Support the Government to Welcome Golden Indonesia 2045, Create Quality Human Resources by Joining AMN Manado
By: Adeline Clarissa
The joining of the nation’s young generation at AMN Manado will certainly further realize the existence of quality human resources, so in other words, this will also fully support the government’s efforts in welcoming a Golden Indonesia 2045.
To welcome the centenary of this nation’s independence, namely Golden Indonesia in 2045, of course there must be a lot of thorough preparation so that this nation becomes a developed country after one hundred years of independence. The government continues to strive for this, one of which is by developing AMN Manado, which is able to create quality young human resources.
When many of the nation’s future young generations are included in the quality Human Resources (HR) category, then of course the country’s development and progress will become much easier to achieve. As a result, the government’s efforts to welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045 will become a reality because it is helped by the quality of its youth through education at AMN Manado.
In order to realize the existence of superior and quality young Human Resources (HR) in order to welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045, of course these young people must undergo a lot of training first and have character education.
Character education itself is very important, in fact it is better to start character education from as early an age as possible. The characteristic of providing young people with character is when they receive teaching about how to socialize, communicate, interact and the ability to become an independent young generation in all things.
Not only that, but there are various other values that they must absorb, such as religious, nationalist values, work ethic, mutual cooperation and integrity so that armed with all these values, these young people are able to become the next generation of Indonesian people who have strong character. day.
Acting Deputy for Coordination of Mental Revolution, Cultural Advancement and Sports Achievement of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), Aris Darmansyah Edisaputra emphasized that to face the various challenges of the world today, Indonesia does not only need young human resources who are smart, but this nation really needs young people with character.
Currently, Indonesia has entered the demographic bonus era. Therefore, if human resources in the country do not have the provision of strong character education, then it will clearly be very dangerous for Indonesia’s survival in 2045 itself.
Therefore, the best step when facing a demographic bonus like now is to utilize human resources with maximum optimization in order to minimize the occurrence of a demographic bonus so that it does not become a demographic disaster that increasingly burdens the country.
To succeed in achieving a Golden Indonesia in 2045, Indonesia must be able to be on an equal footing with other developed countries, which means that preparation of human resources must occur as early as possible.
Talking about education, education itself is a demand and obligation in human life because it will never stop, even from the time humans are born until they die.
So that in every moment, the entire Indonesian nation, especially young people, must be able to fill it as best as possible. Realizing how important the education sector is, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is trying his best to ensure that all people at every stage of their lives are able to receive education.
In this case, the Head of State then said that the existence of the Manado Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) is very important, especially among students from all corners of the country because it allows all of them who come from various regions to get to know each other about their respective diversity.
President Jokowi said that AMN Manado itself was filled with students from all corners of the country from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangan to Rote Island. Everyone is under the same roof to get to know each other.
Meanwhile, the Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR, Ir. Essy Asiah said that the aim of building AMN Manado itself was as a forum to unite students from various different backgrounds.
They will all live under one roof together in order to prepare quality young human resources (HR), with national character and integrity. Apart from that, the building construction initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is not just a physical building.
However, the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan initiated the construction of AMN Manado as a symbol of commitment to developing quality human resources and as concrete evidence of full support for the government’s efforts to welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045. The joining of young people in this program will certainly make a positive contribution to the success of this effort.
*) Manado State Polytechnic student