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Synergy between Security Forces and the Community in Maintaining Peace in Papua from OPM


By: Oboy Wanggai )*

A conducive security situation is a top priority in Papua. Efforts to maintain security in the region known as Bumi Cenderawasih continue to be increased by security forces in response to separatist disturbances from the Free Papua Movement (OPM). The synergy of security forces consisting of the TNI, Polri, and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is important in countering the threat of OPM which continues to try to shake stability in the region.

Several recent incidents in Papua show that OPM has not stopped committing acts of violence and sabotage. Attacks on TNI posts on the outskirts of the city and the burning of educational facilities are evidence that they are trying to disrupt the government’s efforts to develop Papua. These attacks were triggered by OPM’s displeasure with security posts which were considered a threat to their existence. Not only that, the burning of school buildings by this group also reflects how OPM is trying to stop access to education for Papuan children. This action not only damaged physical buildings, but also implied their efforts to destroy the future of the young generation of Papua.

Education is an important pillar in building a better generation. Therefore, security forces prioritize securing educational facilities. Security in schools is now strengthened with routine patrols and tight surveillance in areas considered vulnerable. This step was taken to ensure that the teaching and learning process in Papua is not disrupted by threats from separatist groups.

In dealing with the threat from OPM, synergy between security forces and local communities has proven to be very important. This collaboration not only helps strengthen military strategies, but also produces significant results. One real example is the success of the security operation in the Aitinyo District forest, Southwest Papua. In this operation, the authorities managed to find the OPM headquarters and secure a number of important pieces of evidence, including ammunition and documents indicating their activities. This success cannot be separated from the active role of the community who provided information about the movements of the separatist group.

Papuan people play a crucial role in maintaining stability in their region. In addition to being informants for security forces, they also act as strategic partners in preventing the spread of OPM influence. Security forces often urge the public to be aware of propaganda spread by separatist groups, including fake news that can cause fear and worry among residents. This anti-propaganda campaign is an important step in maintaining order amidst the ongoing political situation, especially ahead of the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada).

As the 2024 Pilkada stages progress, security in Papua is increasingly being tightened. The Head of the TNI Information Center, Major General TNI Hariyanto, emphasized that the presence of security forces in Papua is not only to confront separatist groups, but also to support development and community welfare. Security stability is the main prerequisite for achieving sustainable development in Papua, and synergy between the community, government, and security forces is the key to achieving this goal.

A peaceful regional election is a common goal, not only for security forces but also for the community. Mandau Police Chief, Commissioner Hairul Hidayat, through AKP Jurianto, in a meeting with the community, emphasized the importance of the active role of residents in maintaining order during the regional election. He stated that the responsibility for maintaining security is not only in the hands of the authorities, but also on the shoulders of every citizen. The community is urged not to be easily provoked by fake news or issues that can divide. A safe and peaceful regional election can only be realized if all parties work together to maintain a conducive situation.

The role of the community in maintaining security cannot be underestimated. On several occasions, the community actively provides information about potential threats or problems that may arise in their environment. This allows security forces to act more quickly in handling the situation before it develops into a serious threat. The police chief also emphasized that good communication between security forces and residents is an important element in maintaining security, especially during crucial times such as the regional elections.

The West Papua Regional Police are also actively involved in securing the Pilkada in the region. Liaison Officer (naradamping) of the West Papua Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Pol Budi Utomo, during the inauguration of members of the West Papua Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) in Sorong Regency, said that until now, the Pilkada campaign stages have been running safely and conducively. However, even though the situation is relatively stable, security forces continue to carry out intensive security at points that are considered vulnerable.

The West Papua Police deployed around 808 personnel to secure all stages of the Pilkada in the region. This number will be supplemented with personnel support from the TNI to ensure that every aspect of security can be controlled properly. The synergy between the TNI and Polri in securing the West Papua Pilkada is part of a national strategy to ensure that the entire election process runs smoothly without significant disruption.

Nevertheless, the challenges from the OPM group continue to exist. Sporadic attacks on public facilities such as schools and hospitals continue to occur, causing material and psychological losses to the community. However, with strong synergy between the security forces and the community, there is great hope that the situation in Papua will become more conducive. Full support from various elements of society, including Papuan youth figures, who openly voice their support for the security forces, is the mainstay in maintaining stability in the region.

With a shared commitment, Papua continues to move towards a safer and more prosperous future. The challenges faced are indeed not small, but with the synergy that has been built between security forces, the government, and the community, threats from separatist groups such as the OPM can be effectively suppressed. The success of security operations on land and sea is proof that Papua is moving in a better direction, towards a peaceful and stable future.

)* The author is a Papuan student

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