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The government continues to encourage improvements in the quality of human resources in Papua


The government continues to intensify the development of Papuan human resources (HR) to improve the economy and welfare of the Papuan people. Strengthening the quality of human resources in Papua continues to be encouraged both through government programs and in collaboration with the private sector. Specific skills are also considered important to meet the needs of skilled industrial workers. So that the Papuan people of productive age can contribute to each other and have the same opportunities as other regions in positive terms.

Papua is a region with great potential because it is blessed with natural wealth and abundant mining products. Therefore, to advance the Papua region, its natural resources must be managed properly and correctly. Apart from natural resources, the quality of human resources (HR) also needs to be improved, because the Papuan people will be the ones who will process natural products and market them.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin said he would continue to encourage increased human resource (HR) competency and productivity of the productive age population in Papua. This step is considered very important to encourage success in development in Papua. The government will also encourage various programs related to employment. One of the steps taken is to increase competency and productivity through vocational training for the Papuan people.

This program was held as part of efforts to increase human resource capacity, which is the government’s main focus in realizing the ideals of a more advanced Indonesia. Therefore, the Papuan people must increase the competence and productivity of the productive age population in order to contribute to economic growth in Papua.

In efforts to revitalize education, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin added that the government has adopted several strategies. One of them is encouraging the transformation of vocational education and training from upstream to downstream. Thus, the focus is not only on theoretical aspects, but also on practical applications in the real world, strengthening links and matches between educational and vocational training institutions and the industrial sector, as well as transforming Job Training Centers (BLK) by collaborating with various stakeholders who provide education and vocational training. Developed countries have recognized the importance of vocational education in building quality human resources. Therefore, Indonesia must also participate in a similar process to improve the quality of its workforce.

Apart from that, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin also asked for the development of formal education, non-formal education, and including vocational education to continue to be developed in the Land of Papua. In this way, the quality of human resources in Papua is increasing and of course this will have an impact on the economy and welfare in Papua.

The government has taken sides in improving the quality of indigenous Papuans. This improvement can be done through formal education and also non-formal education, such as through job training centers. Through job training centers, Papuan people can improve their skills and abilities so that they can contribute to advancing the region and can also compete with people from other regions. So that the quality and standard of living of the Papuan people can improve as well as their economy and welfare.

To achieve quality Papuan human resources requires cooperation from various parties, especially the involvement of Papuan youth. Because the formation of quality human resources must start early. Quality human resources play an important role in preparing for the demographic bonus period which will contribute to the economy, politics and increasing the nation’s welfare.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Coordination of Quality Improvement for Children, Women and Youth at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, said that Papuan youth must contribute to human resource development. The synergy of collaboration and participation of teenagers and youth must be encouraged to accelerate human resource development in Papua. Papuan youth are also asked to participate in various issues in their environment, such as issues of education, health, gender and discrimination, employment and leadership.

On the other hand, the Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus) Policy has also provided extraordinary benefits for the indigenous Papuan people, both in the physical development process and in the development of human resources (HR). Based on a study by the Indonesian Government’s Center for Public Policy Studies (Puskappi), the special autonomy fund policy has resulted in an increase in the education standards of indigenous Papuans.

The director of Puskappi studies, Bobby Darmanto, said that the special autonomy funds had developed the way of thinking of the Papuan people to have the ability to compete with other communities and even the international community.

This way of thinking has been awakened in every Papuan person who receives a scholarship from the special autonomy fund. So that native Papuan students are able to compete with other students at both national and international levels. Apart from that, many Papuan students receive study scholarships from the Special Autonomy funds. Then the Papuan youth who succeeded in entering the police service and the army, in terms of education costs, came from special autonomy funds. Therefore, the Papuan people must not be consumed by the political agitations of counter-government groups who reject special autonomy. Political agitations can only be fought with correct data and information that is adequately accessible to the public.

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