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The inauguration of AMANAH is in line with President Jokowi’s vision as a forum for innovation and creativity for the younger generation


By: Teuku Adi Pranama )*

The inauguration of the Aceh Excellent and Great Aneuk Youth Program (AMANAH) continues to receive widespread attention, this is because of President Joko Widodo’s efforts to create a platform for the birth of innovation and creativity among the young generation.

One of them is the 2024 Innovative Product Creative Expo (IPCE) at the Ar Raniry State Islamic University (UIN), Banda Aceh. Under the direction of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) through AMANAH, the innovative products on display illustrate President Jokowi’s vision to encourage creativity and innovation among the younger generation. This event succeeded in attracting the interest of students and lecturers, who wanted to see firsthand the various technological innovations presented by AMANAH.

AMANAH’s presence at the exhibition not only introduced new technology, but also opened students’ insight into the importance of innovation. UIN Ar Raniry Student President, Irfan Rahmad Ghafar, highlighted the positive impact this program had.

With AMANAH, students feel encouraged to develop their knowledge about innovation. Irfan emphasized that every product on display could be an inspiration for students to be more enthusiastic about innovating.

The AMANAH stand is the center of attention, where visitors can see humanoid robots and vehicle robots controlled by remote control. Visitors had the opportunity to operate the robot, increasing their enthusiasm during the expo. This shows that AMANAH not only provides products, but also direct experience for the younger generation in understanding and utilizing technology.

Apart from robots, AMANAH’s young people also showcased various tools and mobile applications that are still in the development stage. These products are the result of the Aceh Digital Innovation and Creativity Techfest (ADICT) competition held by AMANAH.

Irfan hopes that AMANAH’s presence at IPCE 2024 can expand opportunities for collaboration between AMANAH and UIN Ar Raniry, especially in developing the technology sector in Aceh. He emphasized that AMANAH plays a role as a facilitator in education and technological innovation, providing a platform for students to channel their creativity.

AMANAH functions as an initiative that encourages the development of youth potential. This program answers the need for a forum for students to channel their innovations.

With AMANAH’s support, the creative talents of the young generation in Aceh can be honed and well facilitated, so that they are no longer confused in channeling their innovative ideas.

The AMANAH program also opens up opportunities for Aceh’s young generation to explore more deeply creativity and innovation, especially in facing global challenges. All Acehnese youth are believed to have extraordinary potential who can make a significant contribution to national development. This is in line with President Joko Widodo’s vision of developing the creative economy in Indonesia, especially in Aceh.

Hajimi, a student from Gajah Putih University, considers that the BIN initiation program is very vital in opening up opportunities for the younger generation to develop creativity and local economic products.

The joining of young people in the AMANAH program is part of efforts to realize the independence of the nation’s young people. He emphasized that empowering young people is very important, considering that they have extraordinary potential. If creativity and innovation are managed well, it is not impossible that Acehnese youth will be able to make a major contribution to national development.

In the current digital era, the creativity of the younger generation is increasingly needed to face various existing challenges and opportunities. Creative power is the ability to produce new ideas, innovative solutions and creative work.

Creative young people think outside general boundaries, dare to take risks, and are able to deal with change well. This makes them the hope of the nation’s future, capable of creating significant change and innovation.

The construction of the new AMANAH building in the Aceh Industrial Area (KIA), Ladong Village, Aceh Besar Regency, is also an important achievement in supporting the creativity of the younger generation.

The sophisticated facilities in the building are designed to support the development of the creative economy in the Veranda of Mecca area. This building is expected to become an innovation center for Aceh’s millennial generation, who are encouraged to play an active role in the growth of the regional creative economy.

The facilities available include a professional music studio, podcast room, and various other supporting facilities. All of this is designed to enrich the abilities of Acehnese youth in creative fields, including music production and digital content.

One of the superior programs is the training entitled ‘Soundcraft with AMANAH: Mastering Sound Engineering and Music Production Techniques’, which takes place at the AMANAH music studio.

Ridho Brilian Laksamana, one of the training participants, felt great benefits from the facilities and professional instructors provided. He stated that this experience opened up opportunities for Acehnese youth to explore their talents in the field of audio production. The instructor introduced cutting-edge technology such as digital mixers and Digital Audio Workstations (DAW), which provided new insights for Ridho and other participants.

With AMANAH’s support, Acehnese youth have great potential to develop creativity and innovation, as well as contribute to the development of the regional creative economy. These activities not only create jobs, but also encourage local economic growth through the creative products produced. In line with President Jokowi’s vision, AMANAH is a strategic forum for improving the quality of Aceh’s young generation in facing challenges in the global era.

)* Member of the Aceh Arts and Culture Community

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