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Youth Appreciates the Development of the Aceh Youth Aneuk Center for Great Excellence by BIN


The youth in Aceh highly appreciate the realization of the construction of the Aceh Youth Creative Hub (Youth Creative Building) Aceh or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (Amanah) Central Building by the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN). With this development, it is hoped that Aceh Youth can build economic pillars to develop the country and achieve prosperity.

Previously, after BIN had had great success in building the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) in Poros Wahno, Abepura, Papua Province and it had been inaugurated directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi), then he also asked that something similar be done It was also built in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Maluku and Aceh.

Responding to this, the Chair of Creative Aceh, Delky Nofrizal Qutni then said that his party gave full support and really appreciated the success of the development initiated by the State Intelligence Agency, which was then continued with the President’s instructions to build a youth creative building in Aceh.

As a youth in Aceh, Delky considers that in fact various regions in Indonesia, including Aceh itself, do have the nation’s next generation of young people who have many values of creativity, innovation, great interest in moving in many fields such as fashion, creative industries, animal husbandry, fisheries and etc.

The active role of BIN in providing facilities for creativity and innovation for the younger generation is very important. So the attention of the State Intelligence Agency, including the attention of the Government and President Joko Widodo, to the westernmost regions in Indonesia such as Aceh is a note that deserves to be highly appreciated.

So it can also be seen very clearly that BIN, in its efforts to continue to develop all potential and empower youth in Indonesia, has never forgotten Aceh.

The strong commitment of the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in Aceh and coupled with the President’s instructions regarding the construction of the Youth Creative Hub or the Aneuk Aceh Muda Besar (Amanah) Central Building, is also basically in line with what is contained in the Qanun Number 4 of 2018 concerning Aceh Youth Development.

The realization of the construction of the Aceh Amanah Youth Creative Hub, which was initiated by BIN and the Presidential Instruction, is a golden opportunity for the Aceh Regional Government (Pemda) so that they are also able to realize their commitment in the youth sector which has been enshrined in the Aceh Qanun.

Therefore, it is considered that the existence of this golden opportunity directly for the youth in Veranda of Mecca should be able to be responded to quickly in order to further optimize development in the youth sector in Tanah Rencong.

Apart from it being an obligation for Acehnese Youth to continue to provide facilities for the development of creativity and innovation for young people, the presence of the Aceh Amanah Youth Creative Hub, which was initiated by the State Intelligence Agency, is also part of efforts to increase the participation of the younger generation in Aceh’s future development. .

When the facilities for developing creativity and innovation for the next generation of young people in Aceh are fulfilled, it will clearly be able to help present many works which directly and indirectly will have a big impact on economic development in the Aceh region in a participatory manner by involving many innovative ideas from the younger generation.

It also needs to be emphasized that the construction of the Aceh Amanah Youth Creative Hub also indicates that BIN fully supports the shift in the development paradigm to become Indonesia-centric or capable of being evenly distributed across all corners of Indonesia, replacing the development paradigm that is Java-centric or only centered on the island of Java.

Because as has also been mentioned, in fact the entire young generation of the nation’s successors in various regions throughout the archipelago, not just in Java, including especially in Aceh, actually have a lot of hidden talent for creativity and innovation, so it is important to facilitate it optimally.

When young people in Aceh have adequate facilities in the form of the Youth Creative Hub Aceh Amanah which was initiated by the State Intelligence Agency, then it is not impossible that they will be able to compete at the national level or even at the international level.

The main reason for building the Aceh Amanah Youth Creative Hub was to be able to provide very broad opportunities for young people who have creativity so that they are increasingly able to move in many fields including realizing equality in providing opportunities for all. For this reason, why do young people in Aceh give such high appreciation and are strongly committed to fully supporting the construction of the Youth Creative Hub (Youth Creative Building) in Aceh or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (Amanah) Central Building.

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