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Marrying Results of the 2019 Election without Provocation for the Unity and Sustainability of National Leadership and Indonesian Development


By: Anggi Rosalin (Netizen-Student of BSI Depok)

This country was built by the founding fathers with and in the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation. The spirit of togetherness of the nation’s founding fathers finally created the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Without togetherness, NKRI will never be born or formed and only wishful thinking and empty hopes are impossible. Therefore, all components of the nation must never stop and get tired to grow together in the midst of the lives of people who are beginning to lose their passion to unite. The Indonesian nation must unite and join hands to build this Mother Earth even though we come from different backgrounds. This sense of togetherness and unity must be nurtured and regenerated, especially after the 2019 Election which is very draining, emotional and mindful.

Enlivening the spirit of unity and unity indirectly means contributing to maintaining the nation’s spirit that has been fought fiercely by Indonesia’s founding fathers and freedom fighters. This is actually the main meaning of being a dignified citizen in a country that often radiates brotherhood, unity and mutual love. That way, Indonesia is not only limited to a population that is densely populated and consists of thousands of islands, but also a place that we consider a home full of messages and universal values ​​that unite us in building this nation forward. Indonesia is very broad, rich and has a high level of diversity of cultures, tribes and religions, cannot be built by one, a group, or a handful of elites or even a single political force. The success of building this nation requires the togetherness of leaders, political elites, religious leaders, medos and art activists, and all elements of society in this country.

We certainly cannot continue to think about the past and direct the index finger to blame and who is most responsible; a process that only wastes time and leaves us increasingly left behind. We must abandon our desire to stand out and win ourselves because it is impossible for an individual’s goal to be achieved without the fulfillment of collective goals. The main thing is to be independent first so that the proper needs of individuals such as clothing, food and shelter can be fulfilled properly. As John F. Kennedy said, it became very relevant in Indonesia’s current struggle: “Don’t ask what the state can do for you, but ask what you can do for the country.” This is the mindset that we all must have, including the our people’s representatives in parliament. Indeed, everything needs a process, but the process can be accelerated if we have a strong spirit of unity. When all people have truly realized the importance of unity, the aspiration to become a developed country in the future is not just mere wishful thinking.

Based on the quick count results of various survey institutions that favored the candidate pair number 01 as the winner of the 2019 presidential election. Until in time the vote recapitulation was officially announced by the General Election Commission. While in fact 02 continued to carry out politics to build public perception, that they were the winners of the presidential election. They made a maneuver so that the community did not believe in the survey institution. For this reason, it is better for all parties to be patient in waiting for the KPU’s official decision by not building perceptions in the public which would provoke the masses. The quick count quick count approach is a method of knowledge that has been tested in various elections in several countries. Because what happens if the method is not carried out and it actually gives an opportunity to certain parties to commit fraud, and the voters are made dark as long as they wait for official results.

Let us be patient to wait for the results of the recapitulation of the election vote count conducted by the KPU, as the only institution authorized by applicable laws and regulations, instead of provoking the masses with assumptions that cannot be measured in their validity. The community must remain restrained and not take actions that are contrary to the law. Or even being unconstitutional, be smart and prioritize a sense of unity. Elections have been proof of the maturity and maturity of the Indonesian nation in the context of the state. Therefore, all citizens, election contestants, organizing officers, starting from the KPU to the Election Supervisory Board, as well as the TNI and Polri, who have succeeded in this election must be respected with a wise attitude and not provoke only to want to l

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