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Under President Prabowo’s Leadership, IKN Becomes New Hope for East Kalimantan’s Economy


Jakarta – President Prabowo Subianto’s leadership has brought new hope to the economy of East Kalimantan and the Eastern Indonesian region through the development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN).

The IKN project is expected to not only become a new center of government but also a magnet for driving the economy in the surrounding area.

Former Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Andrinof Chaniago, emphasized the importance of the IKN’s function as a driver of the regional economy.

“The economic function of the IKN is expected to drive the economy in Kalimantan and the Eastern Indonesia region, not to become an exclusive economic zone,” he said.

Andrinof, who is also a Lecturer in Political Economy and Political Science at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, explained that one of the main reasons for developing the IKN is to create an epicenter that is able to encourage the growth of other regions.

“Why are industrial areas in East Kalimantan such as Maloy and Kariangau not running? Because there is no magnet. This is where it is important for us to put magnets, but we must understand this magnet to move areas such as Kariangau, Maloy, Bontang, and spread to Mamuju, Palu, Gorontalo, to Parigi,” explained Andrinof.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the East Kalimantan DPRD, Yenni Eviliana, also highlighted the positive impact of infrastructure development in the IKN on local communities.

He called the acceleration of infrastructure development a significant step that would open up new economic opportunities.

“Development in the IKN can be an example for other areas in East Kalimantan. The infrastructure that has begun to be built rapidly shows extraordinary progress,” he said.

Yenni added that this accelerated development not only improves mobility and economic access, but also opens up new job opportunities that have the potential to reduce social inequality.

“The more sectors that can grow, the greater the positive impact on society. More advanced infrastructure will open up many opportunities,” he added.

On the other hand, Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) Policy Analyst, Johan Kasim, assessed that the relocation of the capital city is part of a major structural reform agenda to improve the Indonesian economy.

“This transformation aims to create greater and more inclusive added value, so that it can drive higher economic growth,” he said.

Under President Prabowo’s leadership, the IKN is expected to be a stimulator and driver of the economy, paving the way for equitable development throughout Indonesia. []

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