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Don’t be Provocated by Hoax News and Let’s Support the Results of the 2019 Election by the KPU


By: Zainudin Akbar) *

2019 elections have been completed safely and peacefully. The Survey Institute has announced the results of the Quick Count and Exit Poll. All the KPU ranks are working hard to carry out the vote count which according to the Election Law was announced at the latest on 22 May 2019. Because of the hard work, quite a lot of KPU ranks were mainly at the KPPS level which was exhausted, stressed and even died. Likewise, other parties who also worked hard for the security of the election, until there were those who were exhausted, sick and died.

But unfortunately, there are those who do not appreciate the hard work of the KPU ranks. Various allegations and slander are often thrown at will even though without convincing evidence. Some accused KPU of cheating, KPU sided, KPU servers were hijacked, there were those who injected data into KPU servers, and so forth. It seems that there are many people who do not understand the mechanism of vote counting carried out by the KPU, so it is easy to believe with information that is incorrect even information about slander and hoaxes. Even if you want to read the Election Law, KPU Regulations or at least ask those who control, especially in the KPU ranks, it will not be easy to just believe in a variety of information that is not clear source and truth.

There are a number of things that if we know and understand, we will not be troubled, restless, especially paranoid with the work of the KPU and its ranks in carrying out election vote counts, namely

  1. The vote count was done manually at the polling station which was monitored by many people. Of course there will be witnesses, supervisory officers, KPPS officers and people who protest if they see fraud occurring. Fraud is only possible if all parties agree to cheat. This is of course very unlikely. Are there different parties who agree to cheat in favor of one party? Almost impossible.
  2. The results of the final calculation at the TPS are contained in Form C1 and signed by many parties at the TPS. The C1 form itself is made up of 6 (six) copies for the Presidential Election, which clearly must be the same / must be the same. Each Form C1 for candidate witnesses, polling station supervisors, voting committee (PPS) to be posted at the village / village level, sub-district election committee (PPK) for recapitulation, regency / city KPU to be scanned and uploaded to the KPU website . For Pileg, more duplicates are added according to the number of political parties participating in the election.
  3. If there is a suspicion of fraud, then the stay is traced to Form C1. Form C1, which has 6 (six) copies, is left to be equalized. If there is something different (because it is changed, edited, etc.), it will be easily discovered. This can also be known at the same time the potential suspected perpetrators of fraud.
  4. Especially if many people participate in photographing the original / initial Form C1 for personal documentation, or to upload it to the Election Watch server that also conducts vote counting based on community participation. Of course it will be more difficult to cheat. If anyone tries to upload fake C1 or has been edited / modified, it can still be discovered because there are many comparisons from the C1 document which is in duplicate 6.
  5. It’s not as easy as cheating in elections in the era of reform, the digital age, the age of transparency, the millennial era like today!

What is now the era of the New Order that was President Soeharto? Where everything is easily managed, can be forced, and many people are poor so they cannot afford to have a camera and cellphone? Even if the era has, it is not possible to use it to photograph activities at polling stations, especially photographing vote counting at polling stations.

Communities or circles that do not want fraud or fear of losing their champions because of cheating, should immediately participate to help the KPU or Kawal Pemilu (Kawal Pilpres) by supervising. Helping the KPU by checking C1 that has been uploaded on the KPU Website whether it is in accordance with what is available at each polling station. If it does not match the original photo or document, then it can notify the KPU. Those who want to help in Election Election can check on their website whether the voluntary form C1 has been in accordance with what they should. Also by photographing and uploading C1 forms to the facilities provided by Election Guards.

Let us together, right now, stop trusting and spreading all forms of provocation such as incitement, slander, hoaxes related to elections! Especially if there is no evidence or information comes from sources that are not clear, not credible. For those who believe in the Quick Count please, those who don’t believe are also welcome. The important thing is not to spread incitement, slander, hoaxes, especially to want to fight with the delegitimation efforts of the Election through constitutional actions.

It is better for all of us to be calm and have positive activities as usual in a healthy day while waiting for an official decision from the KPU which was announced on May 22, 2019. From there, those who are dissatisfied and have evidence of fraud please file a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court will process it and give a decision in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. So don’t be provoked by invitations by individuals who have other agendas. Still not the situation of peace and post-election unity. We support the winner of the results of the KPU’s official constitutional announcement peacefully. It’s time for us to build a nation with optimism without incitement and utterances of hatred and hoax that can divide the nation’s children.

) * The author is a Blogger- Binus Jakarta student

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