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All Parties Must Play an Active Role in Maintaining Post-Election Conduciveness


JAKARTA – The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections have been held throughout Indonesia. Post-election conduciveness is very important to ensure that the democratic process runs smoothly and the election results can be accepted by all parties.

When the post-election situation is not conducive, it can trigger social tension, conflict, and violence that can damage the social order. Therefore, maintaining conduciveness after the election is a crucial step to ensure political and social stability in a region.

Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development and General Chair of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), emphasized the importance of maintaining unity after this democratic event.

“We end all differences during the campaign, including the quite exciting debates held by the KPUD in various regions. In the end, our goal is the same, which is to bring each region to be more advanced and its people more prosperous,” said AHY.

According to him, the government and security forces have a major role in maintaining conduciveness after the regional elections. They are responsible for ensuring that the election process runs honestly, fairly, and transparently. In addition, they must also be ready to respond quickly and effectively to any potential security threats that arise after the regional elections.

The community also has an important role in maintaining conduciveness after the regional elections. Active participation of the community in maintaining security and order is very necessary to create a conducive environment. The community must maintain harmony and tolerance among each other, especially with those who have different political views.

On the other hand, the media has a very important role in maintaining conduciveness after the regional elections. As the main source of information for the public, the media must be responsible for delivering accurate, objective, and impartial news.

Professor of Political Science at the Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Sri Yunanto, said that the regional elections are a moment to strengthen communication and brotherhood.

“Differences in political attitudes during the campaign must be placed as part of democracy. Whoever is elected is a leader for all,” said Prof. Yunanto.

He also appealed to Pilkada participants and their supporters to avoid provocation and hate speech.

“If you feel there is cheating, use legal channels such as filing a report to Bawaslu or the Constitutional Court. Avoid actions that can worsen the situation,” he added.

Elsewhere, North Kolaka Police Chief, AKBP Arif Irawan asked the public to maintain order and not overreact to the interim vote count results.

“We appeal that there be no convoys, fireworks parties, or other celebrations that can disrupt public order. The public must maintain order and will take firm action against those who cause unrest,” he said. [*]

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