Exclamation of Indonesian Youth Knitting Post-Election Unity
By: Adul Jabbar *
Announcement of election results is only counting days, various issues of slander and hoax are still often heard in various media. The unconstitutional movement was echoed by a handful of political elites who felt that the 2019 election had been cheating.
Previously Hundreds of Students belonging to the Student and Youth Alliance for Indonesian Democracy (AMPDI) held a demonstration in front of the Central KPU building.
In the action, they expressed their attitude that it was time for Indonesia to re-establish unity and unity, there was no division between political blocs, namely the 01 and 02 camps. They also said that there were currently only three meaningful 3rd precepts namely Indonesian unity.
In addition, AMPDI also invites all people not to be provoked and to maintain the unity and unity of the NKRI.
One of the orator of the demonstration also expressed his full support for the performance of the KPU which has worked optimally, accountably and transparently in guarding the running of the election.
“We are here to demonstrate with a peaceful action, the goal is to strengthen the KPU and Bawaslu so that no other party will delegitimize the Implementation of the Election,” said one of the participants in the demonstration.
They also expressed their attitude or support to escort the KPU and Bawaslu organizers to maintain the national situation to be more conducive to post-election.
The 500 participants also said that the community should unite and eliminate the group ego of certain candidate pairs, the results of which we are waiting for May 22, through the legal results of the Central KPU.
On a different occasion a number of 100 activists from the Student and Youth Action Committee for democracy (WE) held a demonstration in front of the General Election Commission (KPU) office. They also stated that all elements of society remain together in peace and unity.
“All parties must exercise restraint and continue to maintain conduciveness before and during the official announcement of the 2019 Election results. On May 22, 2019 when the determination of recapitulation must be addressed with full responsibility,” said Rifki as Korlap KAMPUD when giving speeches.
Of course it will be an irony when a group of people accuse the KPU or fraudulent elections because they cannot accept their defeat at this simultaneous election. Rifki also said that if the losing party accused fraudulent elections, of course this must be accompanied by evidence, not just accusations.
He also hopes that political elites can provide education to citizens in democratic life. He also said that if you find evidence of the difference in the results of the election, please bring it to the constitutional path, such as to Bawaslu and the Constitutional Court (MK).
Regardless of what results will be decided later, we certainly hope that the KPU will continue to prioritize honesty in the vote count. Because the victory obtained with honesty will mean a lot to us all.
Elections are one way to form a government that is fair and truly represents the people and strengthens national unity. For this reason, all parties involved should play a noble role, whether they are supervisors, election participants, or supporters so that they will always ease the chaos that never ends.
In this case, the role of millennials is considered to have a big contribution in the success of the 2019 election. Even some of them also have the courage to express their opinions and clearly see the current political conditions. But not a few are also young people who are quite apathetic about things that are political.
Being critical young people will indeed be very profitable, but of course the various things that will be conveyed need to be considered well, so that they can take various information wisely. This will certainly be very helpful to minimize the possibility of riots or even the development of hoaxes that are increasingly rampant.
So that even though millennial has such a great turmoil
but every step taken must certainly be considered well especially when it comes to political affairs.
However, young people will have a role in building the nation in the next few years, the spirit of unity in democracy should be installed in the minds of young people so as not to get lost in purely practical political interests.
*) The author is an observer of social and political problems