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Minister of Education and Culture encourages Digital Technology


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

The rapid pace of development in the field of technology, especially information and communication technology in the last decade has brought enormous changes in the field of life including educational activities. Utilization of communication technology, especially in development.

Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Muhadjir Effendy encouraged the Ministry of Education and Culture Language and Book Development Agency to use more digital technology.

Muhadjir said, the UKBI should immediately introduce visual and augmented reality (VAR). Muhadjir said, so that when the test participants actually saw objects then the objects that had to be blocked had to be seen, because now 3D laptops are popularly used.

VAR, said Muhadjir, will further facilitate and enrich the understanding of teachers, especially in the field of language. Later, this VAR is also expected to be applied in learning in schools so that it further enlarges the absorption of learning materials received by students.

He said, digital technology must have been introduced in the world of education in Indonesia. According to him, there must be a major overhaul of education, including the massive implementation of digital technology in the learning process.

He said, this could not not have started from his teacher. This is indeed a tough challenge. The President conveyed whatever the cost, we prepared as long as it was actually released.

Language and Book Development Agency Ministry of Education and Culture held UKBI socialization and tests to 200 DKI Jakarta teachers. UKBI is a language proficiency test that measures the receptive and productive skills of test participants in using Indonesian in community life, work, and education.

By taking the UKBI test, participants were able to find out the extent to which they mastered Indonesian and made the results of the UKBI test a trigger for improving the quality of Indonesian language proficiency. Oral and written skills are the things tested in this test.

All actors and stakeholders in the education and culture sectors must be enthusiastic and support each other for the strength and progress of education and culture in Indonesia.

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