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JK talk about Handling Internet Radicalism in Paris


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

The development of information and communication is a factor that influences the dissemination of radical notions and intolerance.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla stressed the importance of handling radical ideologies that have spread to the online world or the internet. According to JK, the development of radical ideologies has now changed rapidly through the influence of the internet

Therefore, he considered the handling of radical ideologies must now be comprehensive. JK explained that it was also one of the things he would convey in the The Christchurch Call to Action forum held at the Elysee Palace, France, Wednesday (15/5)

At Hotel Beau-Rivage, Geneva, Switzerland, Wednesday (5/15), JK said, the ideology had entered all lines. So far, we think that the lower class people because they are poor because of lack of mampung are easily influenced, but the wealthy 10 of the rich in education in the UK are affected, it is not because of recitation but because of internet studies

According to JK, Indonesia, which has been able to reduce radical ideology, must also face challenges to the development of radical ideology exposure via the internet. He said the last two terror events, namely in Christchurch, New Zealand and Sri Lanka also showed exposure to radical ideologies from the internet

Therefore, he hopes that in the forum which will be attended by several heads of state and also a number of CEOs of service providers such as Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and others that are seeking a radical ideological solution on the internet. We must have a Publich partnership in the field of solving terrorist problems, so that the cooperation of the private government.

He gave an example of resolving the problem of terrorism in Indonesia, not including many private parties, especially internet providers. JK explained, even though private cooperation was so needed in an effort to ward off radical exposure from the internet.

JK said, so far it could be said that there were more efforts from the government if we had the 88th, BNPT, all of them were the government. Now we agree all tomorrow declare that provider providers take part because they can spread problems quickly.

Terrorism is a crime that has a complex root and network that can not only be approached with an institutional approach through mere law enforcement. The involvement of the community, especially the educational institutions, families and the environment of the community and the young generation itself in preventing terrorism is very important. That is why it requires the involvement of all components of society in combating terrorism in order to sustain the lives of a beloved, fair and prosperous nation and country.

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