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2019 Homecoming is Rated the Most Smoothly


By: Anggita Dianasari) *

Homecoming seems to be the annual news that is always reported in various news channels, information regarding congestion and the rest area seems to be something that will decorate at the moment of Eid.

Dion M as a transportation observer assessed that there were 3 factors that made the flow of homecoming 2019 run smoothly.
“Infrastructure development from city to city, both on Java and Sumatra, has managed to break down congestion,” said Dion.

He said that the success of going home proves that infrastructure development is actually useful for people’s mobility.

Appreciation is also worth pinning to the plan of the Ministry of Transportation which has established traffic engineering to launch backflow, namely by implementing one lane and current opponents on a number of toll roads.

As is known, the government has implemented a line that will be implemented on the Trans Java Toll Road from Km 414, Kalingkangkung, Semarang to the west to Km 70 in the main Ckampek.
Meanwhile the enforcement of opponents of the flow has begun from Km 70 Cikampek to Km 65 in the direction of Jakarta, which is in accordance with the dynamics in the field with consideration from the police.

Success in managing the management of homecoming continues to be maintained up to the regulation of backflow, especially concerning the good cooperation between stakeholders and the community.

In addition to the discretion of the police by implementing a one way system when going back and forth to H + 2 the backflow of Eid also received positive comments from travelers who considered that the policy was considered successful.

One way or one way system is the priority of the National Police Corlant under the leadership of Inspector General Refdi Andri. The policy was implemented to maintain the comfort and smooth running of the community in homecoming 2019.

Thanks to the construction of infrastructure such as the Javanese trans toll road carried out by President Jokowi, traffic jams have been successfully broken down. This is certainly one of the successes in the Jokowi era through real work from the government, where people can feel the benefits directly. Homecomers now do not have to be stuck in a prolonged traffic jam, so that the homecoming ritual can be passed happily.

Public Works and Public Housing Minister (PUPR) Basuki Hadimulyo said he was satisfied with the smooth going back and forth through the Trans Java toll road that had been built in the last 5 years.

Apart from going home which was monitored smoothly, the number of accidents in the Eid holiday season 2019 was recorded to have decreased. In fact, compared to last year, the decrease in the number of traffic accidents during the implementation of lodaya ketupat operations was close to 60 percent.

The Budi Karya Ministry of Transportation also said that the number of accidents in 2019 homecoming fell by more than 50%. “The number of these accidents has dropped dramatically now

Of course the collaboration and coordination of all the important unitary units in success, holds an important role in the success of the national homecoming this year. One of the factors causing a decrease in the number of traffic accidents is infrastructure that is now better.

Transportation observer from Soegipranata University. Djoko Setijowarno also stated that one indicator of the success of going home is infrastructure.
Infrastructure development in fact does not only function in breaking down congestion, but also strengthens competitiveness, if previously Indonesia’s infrastructure competitiveness ranking surged for the period 2017 – 2018 as a result of massive infrastructure development.

In the period of 2015 – 2016 Indonesia was in position 62. In the following year Indonesia managed to rise 10 ranks in position 52. This certainly became a big capital to hoist industrial competitiveness in the future.
On the other hand, the trend of accidents is also sloping. The Indonesian National Police noted that the number of accidents during Operation Ketupat 2018 fell 17 percent to 1,154 cases. The death toll also fell 44 percent to 242 people

At the end of 2018, the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi claimed to be satisfied because during the 2019 Christmas and New Year holidays, there were no issues of congestion and shorter travel times. He also did not deny that the Trans Java toll road inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on December 20, 2018 became a solution to overcome congestion.

) * The author is a socio-economic observer

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