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Evidence of Lack of Cheating, Prabowo-Sandiaga’s Victory in the MK is Getting Smaller


By: Faisal Rahman) *

Most of the quick counts of the 2019 Presidential Election in each province, showed that candidate pair number 01 Jokowi – Maufuf had won an average of around 55 percent. Whereas Prabowo – Sandiaga still cannot overtake Jokowi Maufuf with a score of 45 percent at that time.

          Funny thing is, when the calculation of the real count of the KPU has not been completed, Prabowo Subianto has claimed the victory of the 2019 Presidential Election with a vote of 62 percent. But strangely, some parties from his camp accused that the 2019 election was a lot of fraud, which is certainly a contradictory statement.

On May 7, 2019 at 09.08, the data entered came from 562,421 polling stations (69,14871). There were a total of 813,350 polling stations in the 2019 elections. Based on the data entered, Paslon number 01 Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin received a vote of 59,668,467 votes (56.32%). While Paslon number 02 Prabowo – Sandiaga gets 46,270,236 votes (43.68%)

At that time the Prabowo camp also did not believe the results, even Prabowo had instructed his supporters and sympathizers to turn off the television.

On May 21, 2019. In its official decision, the KPU mentioned 154,257,601 national votes with a victory for candidate number 01 Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin with the acquisition of 85,607,362 or 55.50 percent of the total national legitimate votes. Whereas Prabowo – Sandiaga gets 68,650,239 or 44.50 percent of the total national legitimate votes.

One of the reasons for Jokowi’s victory – Ma’ruf Amin is the voice of young voters, said Bahlil Lahadalia, who said that young voters still chose Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin, even though the couple 01 had many hoax information and hate speech.

According to Bahlil, young people who are generally critical give more confidence to the Jokowi – Maufuf couple to build Indonesia in the future.

            “Pak Jokowi has been proven for almost five years, can develop the economy well, and make Indonesia conducive,” said the Chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI).

            According to him, youth is a smart and rational millennial group. He also felt optimistic that the Jokowi – Maufuf pair would win the 2019 election with a vote of around 55.6 percent.

Although the Prabowo camp has tried to file a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court (MK) with allegations of 2019 election fraud, the victory of candidate number 01 Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin has been ascertained inevitable.

TKN Spokesman Ruhut Sitompul expressed his opinion, in opposing the lawsuit filed by the faction 02 Prabowo – Sandiaga at the Constitutional Court (MK) did not need to be opposed by a great lawyer. He added, that law school graduates who had just graduated and obtained licenses could win easily.

“If I (senior) TKN, I will give his lawyer to children who have just finished and get a license. Can you win, it’s easy to break, “said Ruhut.

This statement is certainly not without foundation, because Ruhut has been a lawyer for the House of Representatives for 10 years, the Constitutional Court has become its working partner in the DPR so that he fully understands the judicial process of the Constitutional Court.

By reading the contents of Prabowo’s lawsuit – Sandiaga. Ruhut understands that this is easily broken. For example, it is related to allegations of fraud that is systematically structured, and massive.

If the lawsuit continues, it will be a waste because it will not change the outcome of the 2019 Presidential Election victory. Especially in his demands, Prabowo wants the Court to cancel the vote count results set by the KPU and announce Prabowo as the winner according to the calculation results the voice made by camp 02.

Substantially, the Prabowo – Sandiaga claim in 2019 will not be much different from the lawsuit in 2014. At that time Prabowo had already declared victory based on the results of his internal survey.

However, Prabowo’s chances of winning his case at the Constitutional Court are far smaller than in 2014.

If in the end the Constitutional Court again rejected the request of Prabowo’s party, just like in 2014, then there was no longer a gap for Prabowo to bring the dispute back to legal channels. This is because the constitution has stipulated that the Constitutional Court’s verdict is final and binding, if the claim does not make Prabowo – Sandi as President and Vice President, it has been in vain 02.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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