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The Reunification and Support the Process of Constitutional Democracy in Peace and Dignity


By: Azhar Pratama (Blogger- Trisakti University Political Science Student)

After the KPU announced the winner of the election results, the political tension returned to heat up. Various events also occurred starting from the demonstration which ended in chaos, the arrest of a number of rioters and evidence of firearms, until the disclosure of the plan of murder of state officials. Meanwhile, the Prabowo-Sandi BPN after the riots changed the way the jakanan became a constitutional way by including the presidential election dispute to the Constitutional Court.

Then, will the presidential election’s fuss end at the Constitutional Court? The answer is hopefully. Therefore being prepared to lose and be ready to win is an important thing that needs to be planted ahead of the final announcement by the MK

Usually people will always be ready to win, but rarely are they ready to accept defeat and continue to be an obstacle for those who win. Kedewasan in politics is still to be tested by submission to the constitutional provisions and not by means of unconstitutional anarchist means.

At this time it is no longer possible because the nation needs togetherness in building and facing all challenges both from within and from outside. Political choices may be different but the unity of building a nation must take precedence.

Because if it remains an obstacle because of defeat in a pollitic contestation then this becomes a gap for unscrupulous individuals who want to destroy Indonesia. This fact often results in social conflicts that can damage harmony and unity that have been built from the time of independence.

What must be understood by the public ahead of the announcement of the Constitutional Court hearing is that excessive fanaticism and not accepting defeat is the beginning of disaster because in every general election. The attitude of not accepting defeat can lead to hatred that can make someone dare to take actions that threaten the peace and integrity of the community and this is vulnerable to riding by outside elements who often seek opportunities to transform Indonesia into a form that no longer fits the ideals of the founding fathers of the nation .

The motto of the NKRI is that the price of death should not only become a national slogan shouted out loud. NKRI is a commitment that cannot be exchanged with anything towards a more peaceful and sovereign Indonesian nation. It is time for us to knit back the unity of our nation and let us support all forms. The constitutional process of democracy includes the decision of the Constitutional Court hearing later on election disputes. We reject all forms of provocation that can be divisive. We support law enforcement officials to act decisively on anyone who will destroy the nation’s democratic life and undermine the humanitarian principle of the Indonesian people. We need unity to build this country for the progress of this nation. Do not ever want to be pitted against by parties who only want to rule in all ways.

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