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Efforts to Safeguard National Indonesian Police / National Police Should Be Appreciated


By: Ricky Renaldi) *

The Constitutional Court Judge (MK) has made sure to be ready to read out the verdict related to the results of the 2019 presidential election submitted by Prabowo’s camp – Password.

“The decision has a binding power after being said,” explained MK spokesman Fajar Laksono.
A day before the verdict, Fajar also arranged for the draft decision to be read. The panel of judges has coordinated with the clerk, secretary general and all officers in the Constitutional Court.

In addition to the security efforts at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta Police Chief, Commissioner Harry Kurniawan said as many as 13,747 TNI – Polri personnel guarded the Constitutional Court Building (MK) to find out about the Constitutional Court regarding election results dispute (PHPU) Prabowo requested – Password.

In accordance with the directives of the TNI and Polri leaders, the personnel guarding the MK could not use firearms or bullets. In the security guards there were no TNI and Polri personnel carrying firearms.
“The point is that it is not approved or not allowed by members to use senpi or live ammunition. The lawyer had been checked to ensure that he did not carry a weapon, “said Harry.

Harry also agreed that the masses did not hold demonstrations around the MK building. If anyone still wants to do a demo, then his party will ask to return to their homes.

Moreover, the mass of many previous demonstrations was issued from outside Jakarta such as West Java and Banten.
It also had time to check into the Horse Statue, was there a mass demonstration. If indeed there are masses who come like that from other regions, we will encourage them to return to their homes, “he said.

Furthermore, he asked about his party not giving permission to conduct demonstrations around the MK building. If it still exists, the Police will take action in accordance with the SOP.

“We from the Central Jakarta Police do not issue permits. (If someone survives) We have an SOP from appeal until the action is confirmed in accordance with the law, “said Harry.
This effort is a concrete step by the TNI – Polri to support the trial, in anticipation of unwanted things.

BPN spokesman Andre Rosiade said that he would accept all the decisions of the Court in a generous manner.
In addition, according to Andre, Prabowo and Sandiaga will witness the reading of the Court’s decision regarding the PHPU at Prabowo’s residence on Jalan Kertanegara IV, Jakarta.

He said, leading the political party of the Indonesian Coalition Adil Makmur invited Prabowo to attend Kertanegara IV to jointly witness the Court’s verdict.

Although the demo program was labeled with halal bi halal sentences, but by a number of mass organizations, it was agreed to be full of political interests. The Forum of Spokesmen for the Jakarta Young Da’i Silaturahmi Rikal Dzikri invited the public not to follow a demonstration called halal bi halal.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla also gave an action in the Constitutional Court which on behalf of halal bi halal could injure the halal meaning of bi halal.
Meanwhile, a group of mobs seemed to be gathering together one command car, right in front of a horse statue. They came to oversee the hearing of the decision on the results of the general election dispute (PHPU) in the 2019 Presidential Election, at the Constitutional Court (MK).
Seeing TN personnel – the police are seen doing security around Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat. Barbed wire installed right in front of the Elephant Museum behind the wire was parked by a supervisor vehicle.

On a different occasion, Chairperson of the ICMI Association of Indonesian Muslim Scholars Jimly Asshidiqie believed that the Constitutional Court would issue the best decision regarding the dispute over the Presidential Election in accordance with the principle of law and support credibility.
Myself also requested, every result later, so that each party could receive and accept the legal results.

Police Road has passed traffic on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, to be diverted. Where there are several roads around the office of the Constitutional Court being transferred, both in the direction of the west free from two currents or two directions are diverted through the southern free road.

Previously the National Police Chief had also announced, as long as the hearing announced the results of the PHPU, there should not be any demonstrations at the MK office. Various efforts made by the TNI / Polri are a form of service for the community to provide security. With their sincerity and professionalism, it is no exaggeration if their business gets appreciation from the public.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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