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Government Ensures Maximum Security for Success of 2024 Regional Elections


Jakarta – The government continues to increase steps to ensure that the 2024 simultaneous regional elections run safely and orderly.

Deputy Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Wamenko Polkam), Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus asked the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) to carry out an integrated intelligence operation to create an early warning system. This operation aims to detect potential security disturbances early on.

“We want to ensure that early detection and prevention activities run optimally,” he said at a coordination meeting in preparation for the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

Mapping of vulnerable areas has been done, with classification of high, medium, and low vulnerability categories. Lodewijk gave examples of several provinces in Papua that are categorized as high vulnerability due to social issues that still require special attention.

He also emphasized that the regional elections in Merauke Regency, which is the location for the construction of the food estate project, must be fully supported to ensure stability in the region.

According to Lodewijk, the success of the 2024 Pilkada overlaps with the eight fast priority programs of the government of President Prabowo and Vice President Gibran.

“A successful regional election will support the success of national programs under the new government,” he explained.

As part of securing Pilkada logistics, the Police are working together with Satpol PP, the Transportation Agency, and other Regional Work Units (SKPD) to tighten security at election logistics warehouses, including in Jakarta. Johar Baru Police Chief, Commissioner Saiful Bahri, said that his party is conducting routine patrols in the area of ​​the Johar Baru District Pilkada logistics warehouse, ensuring the security and smooth distribution of election logistics.

“This patrol is part of the commitment to maintaining logistics security and providing a sense of security to the community,” he said.

Saiful hopes that the public will help maintain order and participate peacefully during the Pilkada. He also emphasized that this security is not only to maintain election security, but also to show synergy between agencies in ensuring the democratic process runs smoothly.

In the field of communication, Polda Metro Jaya through the Public Relations Division is conducting public communication strategy training to improve personnel skills ahead of the DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Senior Commissioner Ade Ary Syam Indradi, said that this training was designed to strengthen media management skills and effective message delivery techniques during the Pilkada, especially in handling sensitive issues that may arise.

With an integrated security strategy and solid collaboration, the government is optimistic that the 2024 Pilkada will run smoothly, support national stability, and become a strong foundation for future development programs.

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