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Jambi Regional Police: SMB is not a Farmer Group, but an Armed Criminal Group


The Jambi Provincial Police (Polda) of Jambi has determined that the Serikat Mandiri Batanghari (SMB) is not a farmer group, but an armed criminal group that has committed a criminal offense in the form of deterrence, destruction, theft and torture of the task force on duty. extinguished the fire of forest fires in Batanghari Regency on July 13, 2019 ago.

            The Jambi Regional Police Chief Inspector General Muchlis was represented by the Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimum). Commissioner M Edi Faryadi, said that the SMB was not a farmer group, because when the police conducted investigations and arrests of criminals including Muslim SMB leaders, the police did not find any farming tools or plant seeds from the SMB basecamp, but assembled firearms, various types of sharp weapons and pointed bamboo there.

            So that the findings can be concluded that they are the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), and the group has committed more than one year of crime in several districts in Jambi Province.

            According to Edi, the police have enough evidence to confirm that the SMB is a criminal group that has disturbed local residents and has violated multi-layered criminal acts.

            Finally, the Jambi Regional Police has set 59 suspects, in the first stage there were 41 suspects including Muslims and his wife, and the second stage there were 18 more suspects because of their actions to attack the patrol team that occurred at PT WKS District VIII.

            Of the 18 new suspects, there were two residents of Suku Anak Dalam, namely Untung and Yandang who were victims of the sweet Muslim promises, where they would be given land if they were tribesmen who wanted to join the SMB group.

            Edi also said that Muslims as leaders of the KKB had deliberately used tribal children in the community to survive the police’s arrest so far to facilitate their action in plundering existing land.

            Muslims are alleged to have provoked the tribe of the children so that they are hostile to citizens and the police and the TNI, and instilled the doctrine to them that the police were bad people, and the SMB came as a helper.

            If it continues to be allowed to roam, the criminal group will certainly be very dangerous. So that the police will resolve the issue until the Muslim leader group is dissolved.

            Until now, the police have set 59 suspects from the KKB in Jambi. The results of the examination of the suspect revealed the fact that the Muslim and his wife Deli Fitri were highly honored by the members of the SMB and Suku Anak Dalam. This was because Muslims were called “His Majesty” and Deli was called “Mother of the Queen” by them.

            In the group, Muslims were known to be the movers of the SMB group, while his wife worked to raise funds. Their actions are also neatly arranged to carry out attacks, all members are obedient to them, if anyone disputes then be prepared to get threats and persecution.

            This certainly makes learning important for us so that it is not easily provoked by others, especially by giving the doctrine that the police are evil.

            It is precisely with the presence of provocation, that this is tantamount to tearing apart the existing unity, especially if the provocation is accompanied by various threats.

            After the group was successfully secured, the Indonesian National Police and the TNI decided to increase the number of personnel to guard the locations of the perpetrators’ camps in the district VIII area of ​​Batanghari Regency, Jambi.

            When carrying out the arrest, two police officers had to endure the pain of being hit by a machete in the hand and in the right thigh.

            Previously, during the arrest of the members of the SMB, the National Police and the TNI deployed 330 personnel, and in order to improve the security that was in the location, plus additional personnel namely the TNI as many as 1 SSK and Brimob as many as 100 people. While personnel at the scene are still on guard.

Security efforts are certainly deemed necessary so that the SMB group can truly be dissolved to the roots, so that there are no more criminal groups that disturb the surrounding community.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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