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The Role of Young People Rejecting the Concept of NKRI Sharia


By Muhammad Ridwan Syahputra

IJTIMA Ulama 4 produced the concept of NKRI Sharia, the concept is clearly not necessary, because Indonesia already has the Pancasila ideology. So that other ideologies cannot be developed in the country.

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko also said that recommendations related to the Sharia NKRI could not be implemented because Indonesia was not an Islamic state, and as long as the concept was contrary to the ideology of Pancasila, it must be opposed.

He also stressed that Indonesia is not an Ijtima country ‘Ulama. In addition, Indonesia is also a constitutional state that has a constitution, the 1945 Constitution and other regulations.

The rejection of the concept of Sharia NKRI was also affirmed by Muhammadiyah figure Din Syamsudin who stressed that there was no Sharia NKRI. Because, according to him it was not in accordance with the ideology of the Indonesian people.

The former Muhammadiyah Central Leader said that the Republic of Indonesia had respected religion in Indonesia in accordance with the Shari’a. However, he said, it did not mean that Indonesia became a Sharia country.

Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu stated firmly rejected the proposal discussed in the Ulema’s Ijtima. He said that this could not be applied in Indonesia, because Indonesia consisted of people of various religions.

He also said that religious affairs were personal matters of each. This is also written in one verse in the Qur’an.

He hasn’t been sentenced. Which means to you your religion, to me my religion. That is why Ryamizard rejected the proposed NKRI Sharia because it was felt to be unnecessary, because it could cause greater public uproar and debate.

Not only that, if later the Islamic Republic of Indonesia is applied, the same country has given an unfair label to people who adhere to a religion other than Islam.

He also revealed that sharia values ​​have been around for a long time in Indonesia, as in the first precepts.

In this issue, young people must really believe that Pancasila is an ideology of the Indonesian people that needs to be promoted again. This is certainly important to strengthen the understanding of the nation’s children related to the formulation of the Republic of Indonesia

Rejection of the Sharia NKRI does not mean hating Islamic law, such rejection is necessary because the meaning of the Sharia NKRI can trigger racism in society. Because, Pancasila is final so there is no need to be reformulated.

The Youth Organization also has an important role in providing effective education to young people, as was done by the North Jakarta Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) Branch Manager, who reviewed the history of Pancasila as an ideology of the state. The activity was carried out through a national seminar with the theme Embedding Pancasila Values ​​in caring for Diversity.

The event can at least be an example for other youth organizations to provide education related to national insight and ideology of the nation.

Young people certainly have to understand very well that Pancasila was formulated by Soekarno and other figures such as KH Hasyim Asy’ari, the formulation process certainly has a deep history. In 1945, the Islamic group led by the Nahdlatul Ulama Founder objected to Pancasila. But KH Hasyim Asy’ari relented for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. He did istikharoh and the results were steady in accepting Pancasila.

This is certainly not without reason to accept Pancasila, of course KH Hasyim Asy’ari has understood that there are our brothers who come from non-Muslim circles but also part of Indonesia, finally all the scholars agree that for matters of nationality and state ideology that are carried are Pancasila with the motto Unity in Diversity.

Besides that, as a young generation who are active in social media, it would be nice if young people spread positive and beneficial news to the community. So as such the homepage in Sosmed will contain positive news.

What needs to be understood by young people today, the word sharia is not then made an icon, sharia itself should be implanted in itself, not necessarily using the word “sharia” as an appendage for the benefit of the group alone.

Young people must realize that the Republic of Indonesia belongs to all Indonesian people regardless of ethnicity, religion and race. *

The writer is a contributor of the Reader Institute


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