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Fostering Tolerance, FKUB Kulon Progo holds Interfaith Youth Camp


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

The Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) Kulon Progo is holding an Interfaith Youth Camp, in the Kalibiru tourist area. This is to reinforce the concept of tolerance and mutual cooperation among young people from various religious backgrounds.

Chairman of FKUB Kulon Progo, Agung Mabruri Asrori, there are three important things that will be done in this youth camp. These included talkshows of figures from five religions, socialization of ministerial regulations (PBM) between the Minister of Religion and the Minister of the Interior on religious tolerance, and the declaration of religious harmony by young people. According to him, interfaith talk shows are important to know the harmony perspective of each religion.

Whereas PBM is felt to be conveyed to the younger generation so that cases of intolerance do not occur as happened in Bantul. While in the declaration of harmony, the youth are given the freedom to formulate the contents of the declaration after a two-day meeting and dialogue at the youth camp.

Agung said his hope was that the atmosphere of religious harmony that was safe, harmonious, harmonious was spearheaded by youth. This is the second time FKUB Kulon Progo has filled the Interfaith Youth Camp.

This year, there were 40 participants representing the youth of five faiths in Kulon Progo. Agung said, the effects of this activity have been seen, including the inclusion of youth in FKUB and the Interfaith Youth Harmony Forum.

This Interfaith Youth Camp, according to him, is also a preventive measure to anticipate the existence of parties who intend to blow up intolerance attitudes and have the potential to damage harmony among religious communities in Kulon Progo.

Moreover, in the future Kulon Progo will also be visited by more people from various regions along with the presence of Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA).

Agung said, the pillars of harmony in Kulon Progo, among others, the spirit of community cooperation and as long as it is awake, we can live quietly because harmony is also maintained. This Youth Camp became an entry point in maintaining harmony and communication between religious communities in Kulon Progo.

The Chairperson of the Interfaith Youth Camp Committee, Yosep Ranjabar said, the provision of material on harmony in the meeting was expected to form youths as movers of inter-religious harmony based on Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, NKRI, and the 1945 Constitution.

The spirit must not be lost and needs to be instilled in the younger generation to face the era of globalization in order to increase harmony between religious communities, interfaith generations need to be prepared carefully. There must be no suspicion between them.

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