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Racist and Provocateurs of Appropriate Riots Imprisoned


By: Sabby Kosay) *

Actors of racism and riot provocateurs must be prepared to account for all their actions. In addition to causing public turmoil and causing hatred, the action can increase SARA sentiment which can lead to national disnit integration.

Lately we often hear news about racist acts. Which is capable of having such a shocking impact. Spontaneous actions due to racism that led to destruction in Jayapura This past week also seems to have drawn a lot of criticism. But what is racism, and its impact?

Based on research, the results show that there is an increase in mental health problems that are much higher, especially among minorities. Which experience racism acts continuously and racial discrimination treatment, when compared with other minorities who do not experience acts.

Some studies show that racism will cause someone to feel scared in public places. Because they feel themselves threatened, insecure because they come from a minority. As well as being the target of antipathy of the majority. This fear in public places will have a major impact on the mental condition of the recipient of racist acts.

New studies regarding this problem are found if there is a relationship between racism and a decline in mental health as well as physical. Just imagine if this happened to us, surely we would not want it right?

In terminology, racism is a belief system or doctrine. Which states if the biological differences that generally are in the human race, determine cultural and individual embrace. Or an understanding of certain larger races will govern other races that are minorities.
Based on the incident that occurred in Surabaya last week, it can be seen if the perpetrators were ignited by anger, causing a chaotic security situation. Then, is it true if we are educated to do racism to other parties!

The good news is that many of the perpetrators of this racism have been arrested. The first arrest was marked by Tris Susanti who he was a field coordinator for when the incident at the Papua Student Dormitory in Surabaya occurred. The detention of the suspect was carried out after the examination of approximately 12 hours. This TS will be ensnared by multiple articles about hate speech and hoaxes.

TS is considered to violate 6 articles in 3 regulations at the same time. Which of the three laws and regulations is the Information Law and Electronic Transactions (ITE), the two Criminal Code (KUHP) and the third is Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations. Besides TS, another name has been found with the initials SA.
He was charged with KUHP Article 106 and 110, which deal with treason. Relation to state security. Other names keep sticking out as new evidence is found related to this act of racism. Including the name of Veronika Koman who is currently being hunted by Interpol because of his status as a suspect.

This racist criminal offense may be subject to punishment on the basis of a law preventing discrimination based on ethnicity and race. The implication, in the future there will be no more similar events that make the fabric of nationality damaged. This is a hard code for the police to immediately investigate and arrest perpetrators of racism as soon as possible.

Although this racist action is considered not new, it should be avoided. Given the consequences can be very fatal. In addition, awareness of tolerance regarding national diversity must continue to be fostered. Because the archipelago is indeed a country famous for its multiculture. Not only now, but since our ancestors.
This act of racism should be suppressed completely from the whole system. Because so many cases of racism are found in political movements. This is done in order to highlight a high sense of ownership of certain races. As a result, can isolate or worse will negate other races. Of course this is not allowed?

This offense of racism also often occurs in movements with religious and social nuances. Fanaticism towards an excessive religion can make other understandings a problem. This is like a time bomb that can always erupt at any time. And the consequences are certain, the destruction of the sense of unity and unity that has long been knitted.

Is not a negative attitude like this must be removed so that unity becomes closer. As well as being able to realize stronger relationships between citizens. Because human nature is not created the same. Which difference should be used to complement one another’s lives. Any act of racism must be dealt with decisively because it can rule out the existence of other human beings, who of course also have the same rights in matters of religion as well as the social environment.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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