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Prohibition of Spreading the Hoax in an Islamic Perspective


By: Rendi Pabuaran) *

In the digital age, when the flow of information is so easy, often without thinking we immediately spread all the information and information we receive relating to our fanaticism without first examining the truth.

We easily disseminate this information, whether through Facebook or other media. As a result, there are various kinds of conditions that are not good, such as damage, chaos, slander, provocation, fear, or confusion in the community due to the dissemination of information that is not examined first the truth.

Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam firmly said about retaliation for liars in Islam, “It is enough for someone to be said to be a liar if he says all that is heard” (HR. Muslim no.7).

We must not be hasty in spreading the information, because this attitude is only from the devil.

Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said about seeking calm in Islam, “Serenity comes from Allah, while haste comes from Satan.” (Narrated by Al Baihaqi in As Sunan Al Kubra 10/104 and Abu Ya’la in his Musnad 3 / 1054)

Definition of Hoax

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary in regard to Islamic social media, ‘hoaks’ are ‘hoax information.’ In the Oxford English dictionary, ‘hoaxes’ are defined as ‘malicious deception’ or ‘hoaxes made with evil intentions’. Unfortunately, many actually define ‘hoax’ as ‘information I don’t like’.

In daily life, we often hear rumors of unclear origins. Sometimes from a small event, but in the news, the event is so big or vice versa. Sometimes the news also concerns the honor of a Muslim. In fact, not uncommon, a household becomes cracked, just because of a news that is not necessarily true.

What is our attitude towards news that comes from people we don’t know honesty with? ‘Hoax’ or ‘fake news’ is nothing new, and has been circulating a lot since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1439. Before the internet age, ‘hoaxes’ were even more dangerous than now because they were difficult to verify. What is a hoax and how does the law spread news of hoaxes in Islam? Check out the following description.

Check the Truth for Information Carefully

Allah Ta’ala also instructs us to check information first because it is not certain that all information is true and valid. Allah Ta’ala said, “O you who believe, if you come to the wicked bring information, then examine it carefully, so that you do not inflict a disaster upon a people without knowing the circumstances that cause you to regret your actions.” Al Hujuraat [49]: 6).

Allah Ta’ala instructs us to examine information carefully, that is looking for evidence of the truth of that information. This can be done by searching for information sources, or asking people who know more about it.

Therefore, right now we really need to pay attention to this verse. An era where we are easy to share a link of information, whether information from the Facebook status of friends, whether online information, and the like, more so if the information is related to the honor of Muslim brothers or information that concerns the interests of the wider community. How often we meet,

An information that quickly became viral on social media, shared by thousands of netizens, but later found out that the information is not true. Unfortunately, clarification of the misinformation is actually devoid of information.

Allah Ta’ala also instructs us to check information first because it is not certain that all information is true and valid. Allah Ta’ala said, “O you who believe, if you come to the wicked bring information, then examine it carefully, so that you do not inflict a disaster upon a people without knowing the circumstances that cause you to regret your actions.” Al Hujuraat [49]: 6)

Allah Ta’ala instructs us to examine information carefully, that is looking for evidence of the truth of that information. This can be done by searching for information sources, or asking people who know more about it.

Therefore, right now we really need to pay attention to this verse. An era where we are easy to spread information, whether information from the facebook status of friends, whether online information, and the like, more so if the information is related to the honor of Muslim brothers or information concerning the interests of the wider community. How often we find, information that quickly becomes viral on social media, is shared by thousands of netizens, but later found out that the information is not true. Unfortunately, clarification of the misinformation is actually devoid of information.

) * The writer is an activist in Nusa Pers

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