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Make Presidential Appointment Moments Selected As A Spiritual Moment of Unity Towards Indonesia


By: Anwar Susilo (Netizen / Volunteer Literacy Generation Volunteers)

Which of us is willing to break up Indonesia? Certainly not one. If at the beginning the struggle began with each region and was moved continuously, but apparently it was not enough to be able to drive out the occupiers who occupied the archipelago at that time. Then finally Indonesia was able and succeeded in seizing independence thanks to the unity formed by the regional movements into one Indonesia. Only colonialism can be conquered. Like a stick that is easily broken one by one, but if all are united with a bond, the closer the density, the more difficult to break.

Recall the recent events. So many divisions and feuds have taken place, by irresponsible people framing them as ‘tribal’, ‘religious’ movements, and movements in the name of particular group or personal interests. This began with social media being used to spread hatred, hoaxes and propaganda through video, writing, or picture media, and more recently using memes. This pattern continues to be carried out, by utilizing the citizens’ commonness indirectly, eventually citizens also affirm that ethnic, racial, and religious differences are a big problem. Yet unconsciously we are dividing ourselves.

Social media should be a positive instrument in maintaining the atmosphere of relations between the nation’s children remain conducive, peaceful and peaceful. Citizens should act as information transformations containing literacy and education. Foster national optimism with positive narratives.

Not with the various hate narratives that are starting to be exhaled and used by irresponsible people. Disunity happens everywhere. Starting from the Papua hoax case which caused chaos, demonstrations of anarchism, radicalism, until the latest stabbing case against government officials to the effect, to this day people are still at odds with various labeling attached to each group. thick is still trying to be maintained by a group of elements.

Bung Karno was right in saying that his struggle was easier because it was against colonialism, but we were fighting our own nation – weaving hostility.

Another case that we encounter most often is the fuss over the belief in the different ways of worship, the construction of places of worship, it seems like things are very fast causing divisions between us both between religions and different streams within one religion itself. Fighting, fighting, until the riots ended with arson or destruction of public facilities and victims of fellow Indonesians who suffered losses for all parties. Not infrequently this riot caused casualties.

Seeing each other as ‘human’ is important. This is the root of tolerance which must be instilled as early as possible in the minds of citizens. This understanding and awareness will encourage us to accept each other, sympathize and will certainly make it easier for us to work together in developing Indonesia both physically and mentally.

We, as citizens, must realize that we have the same right to live and believe in this country. This is because we as citizens must be prepared to realize a constitutional and peaceful democracy and to contribute to the success of the next five-year government program for the progress of the nation.

Let’s make the moment of the inauguration of the elected president and vice president to strengthen unity and continue the struggle of our predecessors by continuing to work, giving birth to new ideas that are creative and innovative for a more advanced and respected Indonesia. O citizens, let’s maintain peace and post positive positive content and don’t stop at you! Let us all protect and support and support this democratically and constitutionally elected government for the success of the next 5 years of development.

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