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By: Muhammad Yasin) *

Almost every year, workers always take action to the streets, not only on Labor Day, even on other commemorative days such as youth oaths, the Workers are also planning a massive action to launch some guidelines.
Seeing this phenomenon, of course the question arises why youth oath warnings should be colored with large-scale demonstrations? If every year a demonstration is held, does it mean that the demonstration that was carried out previously has not yet reached the goal?

Or is there no other way to achieve the goal so that at the next moment there is no need to carry out demonstrations.
A labor demonstration is something that happens repeatedly every year, but of course other strategies need to be rethought if the previous strategy is not felt to get maximum results. This certainly needs to be considered so that Labor Day can be ‘elegant’ like other holidays.

Do not let the workers have the idea that all the fate of workers is only in the hands of officials, this is certainly too narrow. In fact the fate of workers is determined by several factors, namely the labor relations between workers in the company and the personal performance of the workers themselves as internal factors, then external factors, namely the system outside the group. Where the system involves many things, such as regulations, the national economic situation and so on.

If specified, of course there will be many internal and external factors that are interrelated and form a ‘tangled thread’ which if the issue continues to be numbered by certain parties causes workers to become unwell at any time. The workers who demonstrated, were impressed to give a picture that the workers are a group that is oppressed by the national situation, even though there may be internal affairs of the company that have not been settled, so the impact on workers’ welfare is not increasing.

Of course the demonstration that took place last month did not need to be continued, especially by occupying the MPR Building because the demands had been absorbed by the Parliament and the government. Demonstrations by workers will certainly affect the investment climate in Indonesia, issues related to the demands of the bill should be discussed objectively by the parties concerned.

In an intensive relationship between workers and regulators, regulators with other broader situations certainly affect each other. This influence will reach a balanced point if each factor does not “zealize” one another. That is, each factor performs its respective functions correctly. Such thought meeting will not be obtained if one part of the system does not stand as equal. When employers as labor service users are placed in an equal position with regard to the rules and their application, then back to the laborers themselves, is it also being equal to the employers and the agreed rules?

If the demonstration is carried out at the celebration of youth oaths. It would be nice for the Workers not to tarnish the meaning of the youth oath by holding massive demonstrations. Do not let the oath of the young man who was born in 1928 be distorted from time to time, especially in almost the last half century. Certainly not relevant if the youth oath warning must be colored with demonstrations, especially with the current dynamic political situation, large-scale demonstrations in commemoration of youth oaths certainly do not need to be done.

The meaning of the struggle for youth oath does not mean to be interpreted as mere demonstrations, of course there are still other ways besides taking action on the streets because the demands of the workers have also been absorbed and maximally sought by the government. The Youth Oath would be best used with the spirit of collaboration to reach out to all layers and work together to unite to have a positive impact on the surrounding. Because in the oath of youth, the ideas of youth at that time fused and crossed spaces of difference.

It is quite complicated, but it is not impossible that the demonstration will be muted. There are many examples in other countries where the welfare of the workers is prosperous without the fluctuation of the annual demonstrations. There are still many things that can be done in commemorating youth oaths for workers, even if the demonstration aims to boost the existence of workers, certainly do not need to be celebrated with large-scale demonstrations, try to celebrate by holding a simple ceremony at the company and reading the youth oath, of course it is more solemn.

) * The author is a social political observer

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