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Synergy between OJK and Banking Increases Effectiveness of Handling Online Gambling


Jakarta – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to strengthen cooperation with banks to increase the effectiveness of handling online gambling that is disturbing the public. Throughout 2024, OJK asked banks to block around 8,500 accounts suspected of being involved in such activities, based on data submitted by the Ministry of Communication and Digital.

Acting Head of the Literacy, Financial Inclusion, and Communication Department of OJK, M. Ismail Riyadi, revealed that the step is part of OJK’s commitment to support the eradication of online gambling. “In order to eradicate online gambling which has a broad impact on the economy and financial sector, OJK always coordinates with other Supervisory and Regulatory Institutions (LPP), including law enforcement officers,” said Ismail.

As a member of the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force established through Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 21 of 2024, OJK also instructed banking actors to conduct Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) and report suspicious financial transactions to the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). EDD is a follow-up action to ensure that customers or potential customers are not involved in high-risk activities, including online gambling.

In addition, OJK has introduced a stricter monitoring system through the issuance of Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) Number 15 of 2024 concerning the Integrity of Bank Financial Reporting. This regulation aims to strengthen the accuracy of financial data collected from banking actors.
“Correct reports will enable OJK’s off-site supervision to detect all potential problems more quickly, and take corrective steps immediately and effectively,” added Ismail.

In its implementation, OJK encourages banks to increase their technological capacity to detect suspicious transaction patterns more quickly. This technology also allows for real-time monitoring, so that online gambling networks can be identified and prosecuted effectively. “Advances in banking technology must be utilized to support a more sophisticated monitoring system,” he explained.

Not only that, OJK also called for the importance of the active role of the community in supporting the eradication of online gambling. Ismail emphasized, “The community needs to be aware of the various modes used by perpetrators, including the use of loan accounts for illegal activities.” With synergy between the community, banking, and law enforcement, the eradication of online gambling is expected to be more effective.

Through these steps, OJK targets not only to break the chain of online gambling, but also to maintain the stability of the national financial sector. This success is expected to provide a sustainable positive impact on the Indonesian economy and increase public trust in the existing financial system.

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