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Beware of ASN Exposed to Radicalism


By: Rahmat Kartolo) *

In May 2018, the Probolinggo 88 Antiterror and Special Detachment Team arrested 4 suspected terrorists in Probolinggo District. Based on information, one of the 4 suspected terrorists was a Civil Servant (PNS) Farmer Extension who worked at the Probolinggo District Agriculture and Food Security Service. This indicates that radicalism can target anyone, including the state apparatus. Not only that, beginning in October 2019, Detachment 88 Anti-Terror Police arrested a terrorist in Solo with the initials NOS. The woman is a policewoman (Polwan). The news has also been confirmed by the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Commissioner Asep Adi Saputra.

The Bripda-ranking policewoman was allegedly involved with the Wawan Wicaksono terrorist network who was arrested in Salatiga, Central Java at the same time. Previously NOS had also been arrested in Surabaya, East Java, because he left his duty. He used a fake identity on his flight from Ternate to Surabaya. It is suspected that NOS was exposed to ISIS radicalism from Social Media. Based on this, he received a recommendation to dismiss the No Honor and his police career must end.

These facts show that the exposure of radicalism not only targets students in the campus environment, but also in the community of civil servants (PNS). Where civil servant groups are at the forefront of public service many experience a radicalization process in thought and action. It is not surprising that many civil servants who later became members of radical organizations such as Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), which had been officially disbanded in 2017 because of their anti-Pancasila ideology.

Thousands of HTI members, many civil servants in various professions join in associations that embrace radical / intolerantism. The actualization of the civil servant’s radical thinking is visible in various uploads of their status on their personal social media pages, as well as statements made in socio-religious forums. The radical thinking of civil servants can be mapped into various types. First, the ASN’s thinking rejects the conception of the Pancasila state and instead agrees to the conception of a Khilafah state or an Islamic state (Theocracy).

Many civil servants have been contaminated with radical teachings to reject Pancasila and are reluctant to carry out activities that express the spirit of nationalism. They refused to take part in the flag ceremony and carried out rituals to honor the flag which was considered polytheistic. Second, the thinking of civil servants who approve acts of violence or terrorism labeled “jihad”. The thinking of these civil servants is based on the doctrine that they believe is that violence and / or terrorism that are motivated by jihad are in accordance with the “theological” principles they profess.

It is undeniable that in the end many civil servant cases have subsequently been involved in the activities of radicalism and terrorism groups. Even it was discovered that a few years ago there were several members of the civil servants who were determined to go to Syria and leave their work professions as civil servants under the pretext of fulfilling the call of Jihad. Third, “ambiguous” thinking or paradox of civil servants who hate the government that is in power. Many civil servants who are disappointed with the elected president’s leadership then expose expressions of hatred towards the symbol of the state (president) and the government through status and comments on social media.

Even though they receive salaries from the state, they are “opposing” in thinking about the government that is legal and in power. Meanwhile, some civil servants who have large incomes because they are related to their positions and professions have also been proven to be donors (donors) of funds for radicalism and terrorism activities. The revelation of the alleged confession of terrorists in Palembang showed that the funds for their activities were contributed by civil servants who served at BUM.

One thing that is certain, the newly inaugurated cabinet certainly has a homework to curb civil servants exposed to radicalism, even though one of the requirements to become a civil servant is to have loyalty to seita and carry out the ideology of Pancasila in its work in various government bureaucratic institutions and in social relations. This loyalty is certainly not negotiable and is a fixed price for anyone who has a Civil Servant Number.

The main government is KemenPan and the Minister of Home Affairs must be firm in efforts to prevent radicalism in the civil service environment, whether through CPNS selection or screening at every ceremony or moment of state holidays. Certainly it should be suspected if there is a state civil apparatus who is reluctant to respect the Red and White Flag, it could be that he has been exposed to radicalism.

) * The author is a polkti social observer

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