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Papuans Refuse OPM Anniversary


By: Rebecca Marian) *

The Papuan people expressly reject the Independence Day of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) which falls on December 1, 2019. Most Papuans who embrace Christianity tend to respect more in December because there is a Christmas celebration inside. They do not want to pollute the Christmas celebration with the OPM Anniversary which is synonymous with violence.

Ahead of the Christian holiday, of course this Christmas gives its own meaning. Like other holidays, religious people who do not celebrate must also respect. What if the momentum of this Christmas was intervened by another event that had the essence of deviating from its true purpose. OPM Anniversary which will be held on December 1 is rejected outright by Papuans themselves. Then, why is this celebration commemorated, if only its citizens reject it? Who is this momentum for?

If traced, why often things that cause anxiety like this coincide with the big day? So that the implementation itself is considered to be destroying the momentum of another important day. Moreover, this OPM Anniversary is only held by a handful of people who are still determined to celebrate birthdays that actually do not have any essence. Because, as we know, Papua is not independent, and will never be released by Indonesia, Papua is the Republic of Indonesia and this Republic of Indonesia is a fixed price!

It is not only the Papuan people who explicitly refuse. Reportedly the Chairperson of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) of the Yapen Islands namely Mika Runaweri ensured that in his area there would be no December 1 celebration that was popular with the OPM Anniversary. Himself, even firmly stated that in Yapen did not recognize the celebration. YPIP KNPI is confident and will ensure it strongly refuses if there is an invitation to hold this December 1 celebration.

Mika claims that, the Youth and the people of Yapen Islands have lived in comfort and peace. As a good citizen, it should create a good situation, so that there are no activities that can disturb the general public, such as the celebration of this separatist organization. Mika added that as a native of Papua, the task that had to be done was to be part of the development within the NKRI frame.

He considered, no need to make things that are not important. Now we must focus on fostering young people as the next generation of the nation, so that they can become children of the Earth of Paradise who can be proud of the wider community, namely as the next generation of the nation’s achievements. Therefore, the KNPI Yapen Islands appealed and invited to participate primarily Papuans so as not to be provoked by a variety of events and activities that are not clear. Especially if these activities can lead to conflict and cross with the government.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD ensures that the government has prepared a number of plans to anticipate security. It aims to prevent unwanted things ahead of the OPM Anniversary, which is increasingly intensely echoed. This problem is also considered to be a concern so that Papua continues to be careful in political terms. Regarding security, Mahfud stated that everything had met the standard.

However, Mahfud MD did not clearly specify what anticipatory efforts the government had prepared. Nevertheless, he ensured that the latest situation in Bumi Cendrawasih was conducive. In addition, the state is also wary of the possibility of the emergence of opinions related to Papua which actually did not occur. Which, this will only lead to polemic that results in a security situation that is not conducive. However, Mahfud expressed that this kind of thing has its own SOP.

He ensured that law enforcement officials would act decisively against those who would violate the rules. Including security forces if it is proven to have committed violations during the security process. These various rejections should be acceptable to these groups of separatists. If Papuans just refuse to be independent from Indonesia, then what is the OPM anniversary intended for and who? Moreover, the people of Papua state that this organization does not offer security, but often causes unrest among its citizens. In addition, Papuans naturally prefer to focus on the upcoming December Christmas celebration rather than being involved in events with unclear objectives. Nevertheless, all citizens are still encouraged to increase vigilance, because this OPM is considered quite extreme when carrying out the movement.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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