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Dismiss Anti Pancasila Community Organizations


By: Imam Subadi )*

Pancasila is a final formula that has been agreed upon as an ideology of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). If there are CBOs that are proven to not have Pancasila principles, then the government must pay special attention if they need to be dissolved, such as Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).

A survey from Cyrus Network said that 47 percent of the public considered Pancasila as a glue and unifying the nation. But there are some people who want the ideology of the nation besides Pancasila, which is 11 percent, where the number wants Indonesia to implement Islamic law, while those who want the khilafah are 4.7 percent.

The national survey was conducted on 22-28 July 2019 by taking a sample of 1,230 respondents in 34 provinces. All respondents are Muslim. The confidence level of the survey is 95 percent with a margin of error of 3 percent.

Previously, the Governor of Central Kalimantan, Sugianto Sabran had no doubts in providing recommendations for the dissolution of social organizations that were anti-Pancasila and threatened the integrity of the nation.

Sugianto said that community disruptive organizations would be disbanded in accordance with the President’s instructions. He did not hesitate to dissolve anti-Pancasila organizations in Central Kalimantan.

According to him, the condition of Central Kalimantan is very conducive so as not to be damaged by people or groups who want to create chaos.

Sugianto also invited the public to be aware of those who threatened national unity. The community must jointly prevent the entry of radical and anti-Pancasila understandings.

Religious leaders and traditional leaders were also asked to maintain harmony and foster community well. Conflicts in other regions should not affect the harmony and conduciveness of the Central Kalimantan region.

History records, on Monday, May 8, 2017, was the last day that HTI mass organizations had to withdraw from the list of mass organizations in Indonesia. The urge has been echoing for a long time.

But HTI at that time did indeed become a money movement wanting to change the country’s foundation, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and Unity in Diversity.

PP GP Ansor Secretary General Adung Abdurahmah said that his party fully supports the dissolution of HTI which has spread divisions among religious communities in Indonesia. HTI is considered to have been unsettling and has caused divisions.

The same thing was also said by the General Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Central Board Haedar Nashir who was institutionally very firm and clear of his ideological position that the Pancasila State was Darul Ahdi wa Syahadah. Namely the consensus state of all the strengths of the nation and must be filled to be in line with the soul, mind and ideals of the nation’s founders.

Therefore, every citizen, organization and component of the nation must agree and accept the Indonesian State based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, and uphold diversity.

Then what about the existence of FPI, which in the Statutes and Bylaws of FPI does not include Pancasila as a principle, but the Khilafah Islamiyah.

In Article 6 AD / ART FPI stated: “Vision and Mission of FPI is the application of Islamic law in a kaffah under the auspices of the Islamic Khilafah according to Manhaj Nubuwah, through the implementation of da’wah, enforcement of hisbahs and the practice of jihad.

Since FPI was in existence, some people began to dare to say infidels and infidels, not only to adherents of other religions, even fellow believers of Islam were said to be infidels.

Especially if they support the implementation of the Khilafah in Indonesia. This certainly would be very dangerous if left unchecked. We certainly believe that Pancasila is the basis of a final state.

So if there is a group of people who have thoughts about changing the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, it is certainly far removed and dangerous, that is because Pancasila as the basis of the country has ‘changed’, then Indonesia automatically no longer exists and Indonesia is no longer a name.

Moreover, Habib Rizieq had too often called for provocative speeches that darkened his men, such as sweeping in stalls during the month of Ramadan and others. He even insulted Gusdur’s figure during a teleconference at a television station.

With these various track records, especially since the country’s foundation is not based on Pancasila, of course FPI is a mass organization that deserves the fate of HTI in 2017.

)* The author is a social political observer

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