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Omnibus Law Brings Hope for the Progress of the Nation


By: Rian Reza )*

The application of Omnibus Law has increasingly received public support. In addition to simplifying overlapping regulations, the Omnibus Law is also believed to be able to provide hope for the progress of the nation.

Although the government is in the midst of protests, the Omnibus Law will likely still be enforced. The reason is, this scheme is considered as a way out of overlapping rules and regulations in Indonesia. In addition, the Omnibus Law will act as a legal umbrella for all applicable rules.

Earlier, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, claimed that the majority of labor organizations had supported the Draft Law on the Omnibus Labor Law. The claim was made by Airlangga, at the State Palace. Precisely, after he and the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita and the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah, held a meeting with representatives of dozens of labor organizations, consisting of 7 confederations and 28 other trade unions.

The minister who also held the position of general chairman of the Golkar Party, even said that the workers wanted to be involved as partners in the government’s dialogue for the drafting of the bill. Whereas previously there would have been a mass demonstration of large-scale laborers who rejected the application of the Omnibus Law Scheme.

There is no denying that the swift spread of the issue over the Omnibus Law has contributed to the heat of the workers. It wasn’t the Omnibus Law that was wrong but the truth of the news that needed to be accounted for. If the maturation has not been completed, how come it has been reported to be detrimental to workers. Doesn’t this feel funny.

And finally after going through a long dialogue of up to 4 or 5 cal, the decision was bagged. Namely, support by the laborers in the application of the employment copyright omnibus scheme. They realize the importance of this breakthrough for mutual benefit. They finally believed that the Omnibus Law could provide hope for the progress of the nation.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) Sugiharto stated, Indonesia’s economic challenges in the coming years are indeed quite large. Because according to him, affirmative action is needed to accelerate Indonesia’s economic growth.

Sugiharto also appreciated the government’s steps related to the Omnibus Law policy. According to him, Omnibus Law can trigger economic growth potential in the form of job opportunities. In addition, the Omnibus Law can also make the tax system transformation more conducive. Mainly, against the challenges of the era, industry 4.0 is full of uncertainty.

ICMI has encouraged the Omnibus Law to be accelerated immediately, because if it is too late the demographic bonus might have an impact on a condition called a social tsunami. Therefore ICMI should support the government’s efforts to make affirmative efforts, among others with Omnibus Law.

In its written statement, ICMI is of the view that the earth, water and natural resources have been controlled by foreigners and are not based on the interests of the people’s prosperity, are not in accordance with the Pancasila democracy rules, are not efficient with justice, damage to the environment, and also violate the balance of progress.

Therefore ICMI is of the opinion that foreign interests must be immediately reformed and moratorium because it is not in accordance with the 1945 Constitution precisely article 33 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3), and paragraph (4). ICMI hopes that in 2020 it will be brighter, able to restore and stimulate the national economy. Including, the economy is expected to grow above 5 percent, investment increases, open employment as much as possible and avoid layoffs by distributing a number of developments to obtain income opportunities.

Furthermore, implementing a truly economic package that will be launched by the government, launching low-cost credit for cooperatives and MSMEs as well as efforts to strengthen the rupiah’s value to a stable level. The food security sector is increasingly being improved, energy management and natural resources are managed for mutual benefit and fuel and energy can be adjusted at affordable prices.

Based on the facts above, there are already various doubts about Omnibus Law. Not only able to harmonize various kinds of rules, but also improve national economic order better. On the other hand, the polemic over workers has gained its light. The Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto has also confirmed that he has held meetings with the trade unions. And the good news is that they fully support the implementation of the Omnibus Law scheme.

)* The author is a social political observer

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