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Displacement of the National Capital of the Republic of Indonesia in the Progress of the Nation


By: Titi Sahidah ) *

The government continues to accelerate the relocation of the State Capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan. The relocation of the National Capital is believed to be able to increase equitable development and prosperity to support the progress of the nation.

With the heavy burden of Jakarta and other considerations, Indonesian President Joko Widodo remained firm in his choice to move the National Capital to Kalimantan, precisely in East Kalimantan.

Jokowi said, the transfer of the capital must be done in order to create equity and economic justice. Because Indonesia is not only limited to Jakarta and Java, but Indonesia is all over the country from Sabang to Merauke.

              Later, the capital city is not only a symbol of national identity, but also a representation of the progress of the nation.

              Mulawarman University (Unmul) Faculty of Economics and Business Dr. Aji Sofyan Effendi, SE., M.Sc said, the move of the capital to East Kalimantan would have an impact on all other areas in Kalimantan.

              Trade flows, investment, production of goods and services, distribution flows, consumption flows will all accelerate. Of course the first step in determining the capital city is the massive development of infrastructure.

              The existence of this infrastructure will certainly make investments come to East Kalimantan and the region of Kalimantan in general. With infrastructure, this will certainly reduce the so-called Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR).

              Where the lower ICOR will make the cost of production, consumption and distribution of goods and services in East Kalimantan will be smaller, meaning that the investment climate is more competitive. Investments will arrive in East Kalimantan and other areas of Kalimantan in general.

              Aji gave an example, if East Kalimantan Province was chosen as the capital of the country and became the epicenter of economic growth, access to investment, production, consumption and distribution would be very high. So that automatically other provinces in Kalimantan remain accessible and accelerated.             

East Kalimantan is known to have 10 districts / cities with the capital city of Samarinda. Besides Samarinda, Balikpapan is known as a fairly modern city in East Kalimantan.

              Responding to the plan to relocate the capital city, of course we must understand that the relocation of the capital is also carried out by several countries in the world, including in ASEAN. As in Myanmar where previously the country had its capital in Yangon and was then transferred to Naypyidaw which is located in the middle of Myanmar, this allows the Myanmar Government to control far-flung regions better.

              The transfer of the national capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan was one of the focuses of President Jokowi’s in his second period. Accelerating the relocation of the capital city ​​is believed to be able to improve and evenly spread the economy in Indonesia.

              Not only moving the capital city, but infrastructure preparation such as electricity is also being prepared. PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has drawn up a scheme to illuminate the New Capital City in East Kalimantan. One of them, the red plate company will use the best smart meter in the world.

              Deputy Director of PT PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo said, PLN had collaborated with the National Planning and Development Agency (Bappenas) and the local government to use the best electricity energy.

              In addition to using smart meters, his party is also preparing energy schemes for vehicles through the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU). This technology is not only reliable but also the best in the world.

              In addition the government will also work together with the winner of the design of the national capital. the design winners will be invited to the national capital to check the soil conditions and topography of the national capital.

              Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said, the construction of the new capital will begin in the fourth quarter of 2020. According to him, construction will start from basic infrastructure.

              Although later there will be a massive development in the location of the new capital. Basuki ensured that he would not disturb the proboscis monkey habitat in Balikpapan Bay. Therefore, it will build a special lane for heavy vehicle connectivity for the development of the capital city.

              The government has also decided on the design concept of “Nagara Rimba Nusa” as the winner of the design competition to build the New State Capital. Which is the architect behind the design which is full of natural touches is Sofian Sibian and urban friends.

              This certainly proves that the new capital city will not only be designed as an administrative center, nor will it forget the existing ecosystem.

) * The author is a social political observer

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