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Government Optimistic Free Nutritious Meal Program Will Encourage Economic Equality in Regions


Jakarta – The Indonesian government continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving public welfare through the launch of the Free Nutritious Meals Program (MBG).

This program not only aims to improve the nutrition of Indonesian children, but is also believed to be able to boost the regional economy by involving Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), Bima Arya Sugiarto, directly reviewed the implementation of the MBG program at the Bosowa Bina Insani School, Bogor City, West Java. During his visit, Bima expressed his optimism that this program is a strategic step to encourage regional economic equality.

“This is a historic day for Indonesia, the program to welcome Golden Indonesia through improving nutrition, improving the health of Indonesian children has officially begun,” said Bima.

He added that the involvement of MSMEs in implementing this program, as carried out at the Bosowa Bina Insani School, is a real example of the positive impact of MBG on the local economy.

“So later, God willing, the regional economy will recover, there will be positive calculations for our economic growth,” added Bima.

The existence of free nutritious food kitchens in various regions has proven to be successful in opening up employment opportunities for local communities. The Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas), Ace Hasan Syadzily, highlighted the important role of these kitchens in absorbing local labor.

“One thing we can see from the kitchen process today is that it can employ local workers, the people here,” said Ace.

According to him, the involvement of local residents as operational staff for nutritious food kitchens is one real form of the positive impact of the MBG program on the community’s economy.

“That means that with this nutritious eating program, we hope to also encourage and drive the local economy,” he said.

In addition, the nutritious food kitchen established to support the MBG program also provides opportunities for local MSMEs to be involved in providing raw materials and distributing food.

In line with Ace, Member of Committee III DPD RI, Lia Istifhama, also emphasized that the MBG program has a significant multiplier effect for MSMEs and local communities. The operation of this program involves various parties, from MSMEs to local communities, to provide nutritional fulfillment services.

“This program is not only about nutritious food, but also about economic empowerment. MSMEs are involved, local communities are empowered, and even the online motorcycle taxi community also plays a role in distributing food from the kitchen to schools. This is a real form of mutual cooperation that benefits all parties,” explained Lia.

The involvement of MSMEs in this program is believed to be able to improve the economic level of the local community. Not only that, support from various elements of society, including business actors and local communities, shows strong collaboration in realizing the goals of the MBG program.

The MBG program is expected to be a solution to overcome economic inequality in the regions. By involving various parties, including MSMEs and local communities, this program can create an inclusive and sustainable economic ecosystem.

The government is optimistic that this program will not only have a positive impact on the health of the younger generation, but will also be a catalyst for regional economic growth. Through strong synergy between the government, society, and business actors, the MBG program is a concrete step in supporting economic equality in Indonesia.

With continued commitment, the government hopes that this program can be expanded to more areas, providing wider benefits to the Indonesian people. [-red]

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