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Increase awareness of the spread of radicalism


By: Rahmad Romadhon *

Radicalism is a real threat in everyday life and the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. The lack of tolerance and a narrow understanding of a belief are suspected as some of the main factors that foster the development of radicalism.

Increasing awareness of the spread of radicalism in various lines is a top priority. Because, understanding and actions that can cause the perpetrators tend toward terrorism will harm themselves and others. The government and the public must not be careless anymore in overseeing the spread of this anti-Pancasila ideology.

Radicalism which is now eroded by time began to show its fangs. The existence of an understanding that is identical to Islam is slowly developing rapidly following the times. Radicalism seems capable of transforming according to what it occupies. Deceiving every victim to become a puppet for the survival of extremist groups out there.

Ontologically, the word radical actually tends to be neutral. Radical comes from the word radix which means “at all” or down to its roots. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI V), terminologically the word radical has several perceptions, namely, first is fundamentally, to the principle. second, too demanding changes. Third, move forward in thinking and acting. While viewed epistemologically, the word radical departs for the interpretation of thoughts and actions for a change.

In accordance with Article 43A of Law Number 5/2018 concerning Eradication of the Criminal Acts of Terrorism (Law 5/2018) states that efforts to prevent criminal acts of terrorism are carried out by the government based on the principles of protecting human rights and the precautionary principle.

That is, in carrying out these prevention efforts the government must always be prudent in order to provide legal protection to the rights of individuals or groups of people suspected of being exposed to radicalism. Such caution must also have standards and standards for the protection of human rights. It is intended that prevention efforts do not create victims and new stigma against individuals and groups of people exposed to radicalism.

For this prevention effort, Law Number 5/2018 has provided clear and detailed guidelines. The following law states that prevention efforts must be carried out through national preparedness, counter-radicalization and also de-radicalization. The aims and objectives of prevention efforts include, among others, national preparedness.

Prevention efforts through the national preparedness system are a condition of being prepared to anticipate the entry into force of criminal acts of terrorism through an integrated, planned, systematic and continuous process. Activities through national preparedness can be carried out through community empowerment, apparatus capacity building, protection and improvement of infrastructure, development of studies on terrorism, including mapping of areas prone to understanding radical terrorism.

Second, namely counter-radicalization. Prevention efforts with this plan carry a planned, integrated, systematic, and continuous process carried out against people and groups who are prone to being exposed to radicalism. The aim is to stop the spread of radical terrorism. This counter-radicalization activity will be carried out directly or indirectly through counterpropaganda, counter-narratives, and counter-ideology.

The third is deradicalisation which follows a planned, integrated, systematic and continuous process that is practiced to eliminate, suppress, and even reverse the radical understanding of terrorism. The targets of deradicalization are generally suspects, convicts, defendants or convicts, including ex-convicts of terrorism or persons or groups of people who have been exposed to radical terrorism.

According to a lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Gadjah Mada University, Zaki Arrobi stated that the most fundamental problem that radical actors faced in the past, was the failure of communication with parents, gender relations in the family, including unequal construction is important to be addressed.

That is what then glorifies or promotes the use of weapons, violence to values ​​that provide a conducive situation for violence and terrorism. Therefore, Zaki agreed in the effort to deradicalize it by touching a comprehensive and holistic dimension. Deradicalization will be considered more effective if the emotional and human touch in daily life is carried out.

The dimension of thought of a former terrorist is the hardest part to touch. So it requires a persuasive approach in the long run. He added, related to life history, the reasons and the main motivations of radicalism actors to decide to join the terrorism movement must be different. So the approach formula cannot be made uniform or one for all.

It is certain that everything will definitely start with the family. High tolerance education is considered as the main key to appreciate a difference. Which later will provide a shady view of the sharp differences regarding religion, opinions, attitudes and other sectors.

However, now the cultivation of tolerance seems to drift along with the swift development of the times. To make the culprit want to make their own world according to the expectations desired. Increasing awareness of this exposure to radicalism can start with yourself and your family. Strengthen faith and insights related to radicalism so that we can fight the understanding that is now increasingly undermining people’s thinking.

) * The writer is an activist of Nusa Press

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