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Omnibus Law Offering Job Increases Employment Opportunities


By: Zainuddin) *

The government’s big step to implement the Omnibus Law scheme is claimed to benefit workers. Not only boosts the investment climate that will later absorb the workforce on a large scale, but also will facilitate all the rules related to existing regulations.

The draft Omnibus Law that has entered this Prolegnas is predicted to be ready to maneuver soon. Popular with the broom law this universe is also suspected of being going to improve a number of regulatory rules that stall and slow down. The first highlight of the application of this omnibus law scheme is Cipta Kerja Kerja. This Omnibus Law Ciptaker contains regulations which will later become a breakthrough to further optimize related employment, investment and others.

Of all the drafts available, this Law Ciptaker omnibus is the longest. In addition to containing many sensitive regulations, this law will cover many things. Among other things, licensing, employment, benefits, to incentives for workers. Based on this also many parties who call the Omnibus law Ciptaker will benefit the laborers or workers.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said that the Omnibus Law for Employment Copyright would include a number of incentives for workers. He claimed that the omnibus law created employment would benefit workers. He explained, workers would be given all kinds of good compensation, but with a record they still had to be disciplined and productive.

Luhut is optimistic that the regulation will also create 3 million jobs each year. Thus, the number of unemployed people in the country will decrease significantly. According to him, the Draft Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright has now been signed by all parties. He also mentioned that there were no more obstacles.

Meanwhile, according to the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono, the Omnibus Law for Employment Creation was initiated by the vision of President Jokowi to open up wider employment opportunities, especially in the formal sector. The reason is, according to data in 2019, the number of informal workers is up to 74.1 million workers or around 57.27% of the total workforce. In addition, there are currently around 7 million more people who are unemployed or have not found work. Not to mention the addition of a workforce of approximately 2 million people each year.

There are several steps taken by the government in an effort to realize the expansion of employment. The first is to spur economic growth, because 1% of economic growth is said to absorb around 300 to 350 thousand workers. Therefore, the assumption is that Indonesia’s average economic growth will be in the range of 5% in the last five years.

Susiwijono continued, the matter of Indonesia’s economic growth will be targeted to reach 6% per year in order to accommodate two million new workers. This of course requires new investment. Which investment is sourced from the government, private sector, BUMN, domestic investment (PMDN), including foreign investment (PMA).

Investment needs to be increased in line with the increase in Indonesia’s competitiveness in the eyes of the world. The trick is to simplify the complicated licensing process and this must be made on a risk basis. Then, there must be certainty and standard in the process and licensing fees. He emphasized that this was not merely giving a red carpet to foreign investors. However, the existence of this investment will only encourage job creation and business development (existing). Business development that was previously constrained by rules will be able to move more freely with profitable creative breakthroughs.

Based on data and expert opinion, of course the application of the Law of the Sweep of the universe is no doubt. The future of Indonesia will become better and more focused. It seems that it is not just one or two claims that mention this Omnibus Law Ciptaker will benefit laborers, but many parties. Not merely spoiling investors, in fact the presence of investors through a qualified investment climate will create jobs and absorb more workers. Therefore, no doubt the draft of the Omnibus Law Ciptaker is being encouraged. Did not rule out the possibility if the application of this omnibus law scheme would cut the complicated chain of all the rules that prevailed before. In addition, the focus of the government is to equalize the welfare of the community through improving the national economy.

) * The author is a social political observer

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