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Implementation of PON XX in Papua is Still On Schedule


By: Rebecca Marian )*

The Central Government and the Provincial Government of Papua continue to finalize preparations for the National Sports Week (PON) XX of 2020. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Menpora Zainudin Amali also ensured that the National Sports Week (PON) 2020 in Papua so far has remained on schedule despite adjustments in its preparation .

Like an event, it certainly requires a variety of mature preparations. Not only material, but mental readiness is also needed. Because an event requires extra energy and enthusiasm to live it.

Even with the implementation of the biggest sports party in Indonesia, XX PON 2020 which is currently in the completion phase. PON XX 2020 which will be held in Bumi Cendrawasih Papua will be held around October 2020. Papua has also firmly stated their readiness regarding the implementation of this event. However, on the other hand the KKB seems to continue to launch attacks.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said that the government would guarantee the security of the implementation of the PON even though the Family Criminal Group (KKB) continued to launch a series of terror.

Mahfud detailing the PON security scheme has been included in the discussion at the Ministerial Meeting or commonly called RTM. However, he did not yet know the specific security disturbance by the KKB in the Tembagapura District, whether it was extended to the Freeport area.

Meanwhile, the Papua Volly Outdoor Team, both male and female teams, continued to finalize preparations to face the implementation of XX XX 2020 October PON. According to Head Coach I Nyoman Sudiantarayana, his side continued to monitor the progress of his athletes while conducting a number of training sessions both in the form of physical training and tactics in accordance with the program that was launched.

He realized that the time for this preparation was only a short while. Therefore he continues to practice so that his skills become more mature. Moreover, this was done in order to achieve the expected target at the grand event.

According to him, both male and female athletes, each of whom numbered 6 people continue to carry out the training program that is being centered in the Province of Bali namely, precisely in the Nusa Lembongan Island region. He also explained that he had prepared 12 athletes for special preparations which had been undertaken since last January.

He also said that if the physical condition of the children continues to be carried out and will be adapted to various training programs in the future. Because this Volly Outdoor athlete does require quite high stamina, because it is directly under the hot sun. In addition, they will also conduct exercises in the form of counterparts with athletes who already have qualified flight hours. The implication is to find out the extent of their abilities. The next one can be used as an evaluation material if there are possible deficiencies.

Not only boosted performance, the athlete’s diet also additional intake was given and maintained in such a way. So that when the match takes place they don’t experience a decrease in stamina. So it is very important to note.

Each team, both male and female, has 2 coaches. For the men’s team, I Wayan Okayana and Paul. While for the women’s team there was Zet Salino and Devota Rahawarin. It is suspected they will continue to monitor the progress of these athletes. So that the results can be proud of later.

In addition to strengthening the skills of athletes, the government is now also gathering various support for the implementation of this momentum. The reason is, through this support the country believes everything will be done smoothly. In addition, in order to anticipate the KKB attack, the TNI and Polri personnel mobilized their troops to be on guard.

KKB, which incidentally has carried out a number of series of criminal acts, is worth watching out for. They allegedly did not hesitate to carry out a number of attacks on anyone. Therefore all parties are now conditioned so that all security can be optimized ahead of the upcoming XX 2020 PON. No special exception for the people of Papua to remain calm because the government guarantees that security will be maximized 100 percent.

The government is confident that if the biggest sports party in Indonesia will be successfully carried out. PON this time is not only expected to give birth to multinational athletes but is also able to compete on the international scene. In fact, it was also mentioned that some supporting facilities and infrastructure for sports were registered for international certification. This is something that is quite proud of. It is quite possible going forward, Indonesia will triumph again in the field of sports as it once was. Let’s support the implementation of PON XX 2020 next October.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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