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By: Ahmad Wiryawan )*

Corona virus spread numbers are increasingly making the government take the decision to house all activities that can be done from home as a form of prevention against the spread of Covid-19.

This also happened in the world of national education, starting from the kindergarten level to the university level. Children under 7 years who normally enjoy the learning process by interacting and playing must sacrifice it by staying at home. The positive thing, of course, is the close relationship with family will be even tighter.

At the elementary school to high school level, it is not much different, the environment which was once crowded with children moving from one place to another became deserted because the government policy housed them all. Learning from home is possible for all school children to be very much in agreement with the government policy, because they do not need to get up early with all the preparations to enter school.

If you look more closely, many children use the government’s decision as an opportunity for family vacations or laziness, but in certain areas, the school places a high enough workload for their students so that the quality of knowledge is maintained .

It is different for students where they are accustomed to studying and doing overlapping independent assignments. so learning from home is not new so that adaptation to government decisions can be carried out well.

The dynamics of learning from home that is so diverse makes the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) ostensibly express one voice in response to this. The Ministry of Education and Culture urges educators to be able to present fun learning from home for students and students.

Learning from home according to the Ministry of Education and Culture, does not mean giving a lot of assignments to students or students, but presenting effective teaching activities in accordance with the conditions of their respective regions. The education staff is also like carrying out the administrative tasks of the school in their homes.

Collaboration with a number of educational communities to provide online learning platform support needs to be done by the Regional Government through the relevant education offices. The platform provides online learning content that can be accessed free of charge by teachers, parents and children.

Online platforms can also be accessed independently, if there are areas that do not have learning community partners. Some e-learning service platforms that can be accessed online are google classroom, google scholar and smart e-learning class which are the creation of Indonesian technopreneur.

The home study policy for all education participants was issued by the government in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Conventional teaching and learning activities certainly involve large amounts of mass gathering which can cause the spread figure to increase. Not only in Indonesia, but all countries exposed to Covid-19 apply the same policy. For this reason, it is hoped that there will be support from all elements of society so that all government policies can work in the common interest.

)* The author is a citizen living in Tangerang

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