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Omnibus Law Copyright Work Brings Many Benefits


Zulkarnaen *

The application of the Omnibus Law scheme , the Work Creation Bill ( Ciptaker Bill ), is believed to be able to improve the national economy because it brings many benefits to employers, labor groups, job seekers and investors. Therefore, the acceleration of the discussion and implementation of the Omnibus Law Ciptaker deserves full support from all elements of society in the country.

Members of the Indonesian Parliament have agreed to bring the Omnibus Law Ciptaker Bill to be submitted to the Legislation Agency ( Baleg ). This was stated at the DPR plenary meeting held on Thursday (2/4/2020), in Jakarta. Some of the board members attend meetings virtually, because the conditions that hit Indonesia terkai deployment or Covid corona virus 19th. 

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the DPR Legislative Body, Ahmad Baidowi said he would immediately form a working committee (panja) to discuss this bill in which he would invite all parties to discuss this bill , including workers, to find solutions from a number of points that aroused the controversy so as to get the controversy so as to get one point equation.

As is known, a variety of pros and cons actions colored the creation and discussion of this Work Copyright Bill.

The global economy has not been stable until now, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic which has a huge impact on the economy in various countries, including in Indonesia. But the government does not just stay silent or stand by when it is hit with a situation like this. Instead, the state is constantly thinking about how to deal with the plague and overcome its economic impact on the people.

The legal revolution in the economy or economic transformation is carried out by the government through the creation of the Omnibus Law Bill to increase the people’s economy and create an investment climate to the regions and minimize the occurrence of corrupt bureaucratic practices . This, among others, will launch investment in the country, open up many new jobs and provide legal justice and protection for workers and employers.

The problem is that the management of business licenses until the uncertainty of the lives of workers, especially those affected by layoffs, and the high unemployment rate, greatly affects the level of welfare of the Indonesian people. The bureaucratic system and overlapping regulations become a problem in Indonesia which is very detrimental to citizens.

With the Omnibus Law, government rules will be simplified, even if it needs to be trimmed, so that the creation of harmonization and synchronization of legal regulations that are not complicated. Pemerinta h work for a law the Omnibus Law of Human Work, not menuntungkan one party only, but a positive impact on all of them.

For the sake of the smooth discussion and application of the Omnibus Law scheme, particularly the Working Cipta Bill, good communication is needed between the government, the Parliament and other relevant parties. Meanwhile, positive understanding and impact related to the contents of the Ciptaker Omnibus Law Bill , it is important to be disseminated to the public.

) * Social Economy Observer

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