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KAMI Political Movement Disrupts Covid-19 Handling


By: Adib Hermansyah )*

The coalition of actions to save Indonesia, fronted by Rocky Gerung cs, argued that he wanted to take this country in a better direction. But instead of providing solutions to get out of the crisis during a pandemic, KAMI can only sue the government. Even their actions were allegedly going to disturb the task force team when handling Corona.

August 18, 2020 is designated as the day of our declaration, which is attended by many national shops, such as Din Syamsudin and Rocky Gerung. Although they refuse to say that this group has political content, the public can judge that they are deliberately united for their respective interests, towards the 2024 presidential election. They deliberately want to be highlighted by the media so that their popularity will skyrocket.

KAMI movement is very unfortunate because they can only declare while reading 8 demands to the government. In one of the articles of the demands, it states that the government must be serious in dealing with the Corona pandemic and pay attention to its people. This is ridiculed because in fact, the cost of Covid-19 patients is free of charge by the government.

If KAMI demand the government handle Corona, it will be like a bad mirror face being split. Politician Ahmad Baidowi said they were inconsistent with his demands, because the declaration did not comply with health protocols. Some took down their masks and hundreds of people gathered. This is of course dangerous because it can transmit Corona from OTG.

The danger of this action can be imitated by the public who watched the news of the declaration. Because KAMI members have enough influence in the eyes of the people. So, the public thinks that if KAMI members can organize mass gathering events, why shouldn’t they? It will be very troublesome because it has the potential to create a new Corona cluster.

KAMI members also always vilify the government and protest against the actions of the president cooperating with the Chinese government. Even though this cooperation is not only good for the Indonesian economy, but also for the provision of medical equipment and PPE assistance. It is as if all the things they give them are forbidden, just because the country is not our ideology.

The government is always accused of being the country’s stooge. People can be provoked and refuse drug assistance, Corona vaccines and cloth masks from government social assistance packages, because they are identical to foreign countries. This incitement could slow down the handling of Corona in Indonesia because it lowers people’s trust in the government.

People can also refuse if there is a rapid test being held in a public space. If forced to do so and the results are positive, then they will refuse to be taken to the hospital, because they think the government’s actions are always wrongdoing. The corpses of Corona patients were also forcibly taken from the hospital because they were deemed not being cared for in accordance with religious procedures.

All this chaos was due to KAMI provocation that slandered the government. So don’t want to be influenced by their babbling, because KAMI are only used as a vehicle to increase electability in the eyes of the public. Check at least 2 times before you believe someone’s story, because currently there are many misleading hoaxes.

KAMI main goal is to save Indonesia, but can only boast, blame the government, and create chaos. According to Sahal Munir, the general chairman of Badka HMI Central Java DIY, saving Indonesia could be by giving vaccines, keeping distance, and working. If KAMI spoil the recovery stage of society, it is better not to be born.

If only KAMI worked together with the task force team to save more Corona patients, then they would have a place in the hearts of the people. Unfortunately they can only sell things and blame each other. This made many people antipathy.

Beware of KAMI provocations that incite society and vilify the government. Instead of helping to deal with Corona, they have instead set a bad example by ignoring health protocols during the last August declaration. Don’t be easily influenced by their babbling because it actually hinders the government’s steps in dealing with Corona.

)* The author is active in the Papuan Press and Student Circle

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