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Covid-19 are still lurking, We Must Tighten Health Protocols


The Covid-19 pandemic has not ended even though previously Indonesia had experienced a slowdown in cases. However, currently many family clusters have sprung up in a number of parts of the country. Instead of decreasing, this cluster is actually increasing and it becomes the trigger for patients to be confirmed positive.
A family cluster emerged after the mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, discovered the case in the area he leads. In two days there were 25 residents of Bogor city who were confirmed positive for the corona virus, most of whom came from family clusters.
Bima stated that the transmission was family cluster transmission due to imported cases due to imported cases, namely the activities of residents who traveled outside the city or other areas and then contracted Covid-19.
Coronavirus transmission in family environments is increasingly dominant because they live in settlements and respect one another.
Meanwhile, in the Central Java area, especially at the crossing of the north coast route, it is one of the places that is prone to Covid-19 transmission. The area is flanked by East Java and Jakarta, which had already been designated as the red zone.
The task force to accelerate the handling of covid-19 showed that Central Java was in the third position of adding the most cases in July 2020.
In addition, more than 100 doctors in Indonesia have died due to being infected with Covid-19. The number of doctors who died positive for corona in Indonesia, resulting in a reduction in health personnel. Even though during this pandemic, Indonesia really needs additional doctors. This means that losing 100 doctors is the same as 250,000 people who lose their right to be treated by doctors when sick.
Epidemiologist from Grifith University Australia, Dicky Budiman explained that based on World Bank data, the percentage of doctors on duty in Indonesia is only 0.4 percent per 1000 population. This means that there are only 4 doctors serving 1000 people.
If the number of doctors decreases, of course the public will also lose the opportunity to be treated by doctors in Indonesia.
Furthermore, Dicky said, the deaths of medical personnel occurred in areas with high positive rates and low testing and tracing program interventions. If for example this is not corrected immediately, then there is no respect for medical personnel who have been at the forefront of handling Covid-19.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo has responded to this by issuing Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 6 of 2020.
The presidential instruction was issued to tighten and increase public discipline towards health protocols.
The Presidential Spokesperson for Social Affairs, Angkie Yudistia said, the Instruction was addressed to a number of ministers, TNI commanders, National Police chiefs, heads of institutions and regional leaders including governors, regents and mayors to jointly monitor the implementation of health protocols in the community and participate in prevention and covid-19 control.
In the presidential instruction, President Jokowi also instructed regional heads to prepare implementation guidelines in the form of governor / regent / mayor regulations while still paying attention to human rights principles. And also pay attention that supervision is carried out in the corridor of enforcing discipline, upholding law and public order.
Angkie also complied, until now the President continues to campaign for all elements of society to adhere to health protocols.
Some of the efforts that are emphasized include things that are very doable, such as wearing masks, keeping your distance and washing your hands regularly in every activity in new habitual situations.
The use of masks and the application of keeping a minimum distance of 1 meter are also considered effective in blocking droplets which are the media for transmission of the corona virus.
This was proven by a researcher from Providende Sacred Heart Medical Center, United States (US), Rich Davis, Davis proved it through a demonstration with a petri dish.
The demonstration is divided into 2 simple ways. Namely by wearing a mask and not wearing a mask.
Davis coughed twice, spoke for 60 seconds, and sang for 60 seconds facing a petri dish 0.5 meters away. Then let the petri dishes stand for 24 hours.
The result shows that there are more bacterial colonies in the group plates that do not use masks.
Implementing health protocols must start from self-awareness, if it still violates, of course, must be prepared for social sanctions.
Reza Pahlevi, Author is a contributor to Pertiwi Media

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