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Building Awareness of New Habits to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19


By: Muhsin Alwi (chairman of Depok City Regional Literacy Generation)

The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has yet to subside. Starting from March 2 until now, it means that more than six months the Covid-19 pandemic has become a physical test of the nation’s health and mental health. Indeed, the Covid-19 pandemic has left an unexplained end of pain. This is because even now in Indonesia there are no convincing signs that the pandemic of infectious and deadly diseases has reached its peak.

Based on data on the website www.covid19.go.id, on Saturday (20/9/2020) until 12.00 WIB showed that there were 3,128 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours. That means, the level of addition of daily positive cases has experienced a shift from the 2000s zone to the 3000s zone. Through these additions, the number of Covid-19 cases in the country has reached 244,676 people. Starting from the announcement of the first patient on March 2, 2020.

Starting from the existing data, it can be concluded that the number of additional positive cases of Covid-19 is not reduced. However, on the contrary, it shows a climbing curve. The number of spread and transmission of Covid-19 in this country is still not final. In fact, it can be difficult for us to say that the Covid-19 pandemic in this country is truly under control. Seeing this reality, of course we should not assume that all of it is a normal thing.

Departing from this context, it is time for us to unite to remind each other to always carry out health protocols by heeding Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 6 of 2020 concerning Increasing Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols in the Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Diseases (covid-19). This regulation will be even more effective if it is followed by discipline of the community members without exception. Remember, the public’s participation in maintaining discipline on the implementation of health protocols is an important key, to be able to support breaking the chain of Covid-19 transmission in this country.

The community must also be disciplined with new habits that we must do so that the PSBB and IMR are effective and bring significant results in reducing the spread of Covid-19. This new habit is known as 3M, namely wearing masks, keeping distance, and washing hands with soap.

We must understand what goals we are trying to achieve from implementing these health protocols. The application of health protocols is not to limit the freedoms of society or individuals. However, the goal is to protect ourselves from the danger called Covid-19.

By implementing new habits, then, people can still work, study, worship and do other activities safely, healthily and productively by continuing to apply the Health Protocol as an Effective Way to Prevent Covid-19 Transmission.

Community discipline individually and collectively in implementing the Adaptation of New Habits is important and let’s together we also reject and fight hoax news about the era of adaptation of new habits for the successful handling of the Covid-19 pandemic by the government.

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