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Compliance and Solidarity are Keys to Success in Fighting Covid-19


After all, Covid-19 has broken out and we cannot underestimate it, let alone act as if this virus is not dangerous. The fact is that the Corona Virus is rapidly expanding into an epidemic that is very easy to infect the public.

Public trust in the government can increase solidarity, including those who can be useful in realizing cooperation or collaboration so that the prevention of the Corona Virus will be easier, more targeted, and measurable.

The government is of course impossible to handle the Covid-19 pandemic alone, it takes solidarity from all Indonesian people, including one of which is to comply with all the recommendations and provisions set by the government in dealing with Covid-19.

The Covid-19 Pandemic A Shared Responsibility

Whatever the reason, a “disaster” like a pandemic like Covid-19 will be more easily conquered if society synergizes with the government and all components of the nation. It is hoped that there will be an ‘awareness and feeling that this situation is a common problem as a nation and that we need joint strength to help each other in overcoming this pandemic.

As good citizens, of course we are obliged to comply with every government regulation, including the Adaptation of New Habits. Don’t feel afraid to leave the house, because we can’t just hide until the Covid-19 vaccine is available. Moreover, this pandemic is estimated to last for 2 years.

Therefore, the community should obey the government’s appeal in the New Habit Adaptation Era. If someone protests, even insults the government’s decision, it must be stopped and straightened out. Because it is not certain that the insulter can do better.

Based on the 1945 Constitution and Law Number 24 of 2007, the President is the owner of the highest power and authority in ensuring the safety, health and life of the Indonesian people in Disaster Management. As citizens and as people, we must comply with the policies and steps that have been taken by the government.

Public obedience should be carried out as a form of ethics that is always responsible for helping the government’s efforts to stop the spread of the Corona Virus. This behavior is also a form of humility, trying to provide comfort to fellow members of society. Forestry and regulations taken are in the interests of the community to stay healthy.

When mutual solidarity arises, behaviors and activities will form that drive the “spirit” of the community so that this very heavy “pandemic” can be shared and able to alleviate all parties, including the government. After all, the government, both central and regional, are the parties given the authority by the people to run the government, therefore they have the power to make policies and take steps that prioritize the interests of the community, namely public health and safety.

Therefore, efforts are needed to guard government policies so that they run smoothly and successfully, such as fighting hoaxes and negative content regarding efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. More specifically, the community is expected to participate in the success of efforts to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 and be ready to succeed the National Covid-19 Vaccination program for the common interest.

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