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Indonesian Solidarity for Melanesia Nation Development


MSG-Flags_heroBy: Siti Sumarni*)

Participation of Indonesia in Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) has been tightened relation between Indonesia and melanesian nations. This intergovernmental organization that established in 1996 has a new perspective in dealing with the challenges of global economy. In the beginning, MSG’s concern was about political issue. However since 1993, this organization changed the organization’s vision and mission, which to discuss economic, sosial dan development issues which marked by the free trade agreement betwen MSG’s member. Certainly, Indonesia participation in the MSG membership will provides many benefits for all MSG member.

Along this time, the member of MSG (Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji and Solomon Island) still dictated by Australia And New Zealand. Such cooperation has not been a positive impact for the MSG member. A poor political communication have been used to suppress the MSG member for their interest. This might be the reason why they are less interested to cooperated with Australia and New Zealand.

Indonesia has many advantages to be offered to MSG member. Indonesia is a flexible nation with it’s non blok policy. Indonesia also included as the member of G-20 major economies. This position is a bargaining for Indonesia to sustain economic and social stability among MSG member. For example, Indonesia has given funds for proposed Police Academy in Fiji. For strengthen the solidarity between MSG member, Indonesia has plan to held Melanesian Cultural Festival in Nusa Tenggara Barat on October 2015.

Indonesian membership in MSG has resistence from United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP). ULMWP is an organization that vocal to express the freedom of West Papua. This organization also affiliated with Free Papua Movement (OPM). Indonesia membership will choke their intention to raise Papua issue in International forum. MSG Acknowledgment to Indonesia membership justify Indonesia’s sovereignty over Papua.

However, Free West Papua issue is now irrelevant to boost the economy of melanesian nations. Multilateral relation Indonesia with MSG membership will make a concrete step to raise the regional economy. This step should be appreciated as a form of concern for Indonesia as a member of the MSG.

*) The Author is International Relation Observer

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