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Netizens Play a Role in Realizing Indonesia’s Progress


By: Dea Anggraini) *
When the government issues a new law or policy, netizens should be wise and respond with a positive status on social media. Their support is very much needed so that Indonesia’s progress can be realized immediately.
Since the reform era in 1998 freedom of expression has echoed throughout Indonesia. This independence continued until the booming social media era. Unfortunately, there are those who misinterpret this freedom and then make a status on Facebook or tweet on Twitter which essentially blames the government. Even though they may just be consumed by hoaxes.
The large number of fake news is indeed a headache because netizens tend to read it in a hurry and then spread it, because of the emotions with the included caption. Even though hoaxes are deliberately produced to influence society. As a wise netizen, we should check the truth before pressing the share button and don’t get provoked into anger.
To prevent this, a movement to distribute positive narrative content on social media was held. The goal is for the public to obtain valid information and support government policies. As well as building a sense of optimism and suppressing the negative effects of hoaxes in society.
The Independent Social Media Activists Forum (FPMSI) held an event to support government programs, including handling corona in Indonesia. Also launching a movement to spread positive content in the community. In the live broadcast podcast program, netizens, especially the younger generation, are invited to remain optimistic and open-minded.
Rusdil Fikri, Chairperson of FPMSI stated that his organization builds cooperation between netizens and the younger generation. The goal is for them to unite in supporting every government policy. In that sense, if not Indonesian citizens support the government, who will?
Positive narrative movements are needed to support government programs, because the power of social media is enormous. If there is only one who makes the status of being pro-government policy, for example supporting the Job Creation Law, it will be shared and read by more people. The status readers will be booming and they will join in on their support too.
In addition, an optimistic attitude is needed in the midst of a pandemic. Because positive thoughts will produce a positive aura. The feeling of being happy and there is a spirit to live a healthy life and work hard. If we continue to be optimistic, it will increase our sense of happiness. The happiness hormone will have a good effect on the body and make antibodies increase.
On the contrary, if we continue to think negatively and easily believe in hoaxes, the face will be full of dark aura. The feeling gets heavy and the body is filled with negative ions. Yet according to Doctor Masaru Emoto, water changes according to feelings. If humans think negatively, the molecules in their blood fluids can change and have a negative effect on health.
Therefore we must think positively and make a positive status as well. Apart from being able to increase body immunity and resist the covid-19 virus attack, a positive status will affect the mindset. When you always maintain positive thinking, it will attract good luck and life will be full of blessings.
Positive status on government programs is also carried out to support the President and his staff. We believe he made the best decisions for the people and never intended to harm his people. All Perpres, PPs, and laws are drawn up and decided carefully and carefully, for the sake of justice and common welfare.
Netizens should continue to make positive statuses on Facebook or Twitter, because optimism can make the body’s immunity stronger. In addition, netizen support by making positive and pro-government tweets is very meaningful, because they show their work as good citizens. Let’s continue to support government programs on social media.
) * The author is a digital literacy activist in Semarang

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