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It cannot be denied that the existence of restrictions on community activities, Indonesia’s economic growth tends to stagnate. Early June 2020, the World Bank projected that Indonesia’s economic growth would be 0 percent by 2020. In fact, in the worst-case scenario, Indonesia’s economic growth could even be minus 3.5 percent. In order to prevent Indonesia’s economic situation from becoming increasingly unfavorable, the government has begun to see the possibility of relaxing social restrictions. In a closed meeting on 27 May 2020, President Jokowi asked the public to disseminate the new normal planning protocol.

To regulate citizen mobility with safe protocols, several Director Generals under the Ministry of Transportation immediately issued a circular regulating land, rail, sea and air transportation based on Circular No. 7 of 2020 concerning the Criteria and Travel Requirements for People in the Adaptation Period of New Habits Towards a Productive and Safe Covid-19 Society issued by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 on 6 June 2020.

In order to strengthen the guidelines for how people are in a new normal situation, the Ministry of Health issued a Decree of the Minister of Health Number Hk.01.07 / Menkes / 382/2020 concerning Health Protocols for Communities in Places and Public Facilities in the Context of Prevention and Control of Covid-19. Everything related to how people should act in public places in normal situations is only regulated in this rule. It is hoped that the government’s policy to implement this new normal will be in line with public awareness to maintain strict health protocols because Covid-19 has not completely disappeared.

In essence, all viruses will find it difficult to survive if we maintain a clean lifestyle. The implementation of the new normal by the government seeks to make all levels of society able to adopt a clean lifestyle whenever and wherever. However, the public must also pay attention to this so that all government policies in dealing with Covid – 19 do not go in vain.

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