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The public is urged to be aware of the new covid-19 mutation variant


By: Raavi Ramadhan) *

The new variant of the Covid-19 mutation that was first discovered in the UK has now entered Australia. The government has also taken a number of preventive steps to prevent the entry of this smelly variant into Indonesia. In addition, it is hoped that the community will continue to be vigilant and implement strict health protocols.

Dicky Budiman as an Epidemiologist from Grifith University, said the Indonesian government must immediately take a special policy in responding to the new variant of the SARS-Cov-2 corona virus in the UK. He asked the government to increase the search for the SARS-Cov-2 virus genome in Indonesia.

Dicky said mutations in viruses are normal and common. Within one month, the virus usually mutates one to three times. While the new variant in England, he said the mutation speed was up to 17 times.

              The speed of mutation, said Dicky, will affect the virus effectively and efficiently infecting it. As a result, a report from the British government states that the transmission rate of the virus is 70 percent.

              Furthermore, Dicky revealed the daily growth rate of the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus in Indonesia is around 20 percent. If a new variant from the UK enters Indonesia, he predicts that it could triple the growth of daily cases.

              On the other hand, Dicky confirmed that there were no reports of a new variant of the SARS-Cov-2 corona virus in the UK increasing its severity. However, this variant has the potential to increase the burden of the hospital because the number of positive patients increases. This shows that the death rate is also getting higher because it is not handled.

              Dicky added that the virus mutation is not a new type of virus. He said the mutation only caused the virus to change shape.

              He reminded that these mutations could potentially occur in areas that could not control transmission. The more viruses, Dicky said, the bigger the virus mutates. This shows that Indonesia has the same potential.

              More than that, he emphasized that 3M and 3T must continue to be applied in the midst of the current situation. The issue of restricting border access is also something to think about.

              The discovery of a new case of mutated corona virus (Covid-19) infection in the UK has sparked global alertness and concern. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also warned that the new corona virus is 70 percent faster to spread.

              Johnson considers the emergence of this new type of corona virus to be the cause of the spike in Covid-19 transmission in London and southern England in recent times.

              Dozens of countries immediately imposed a ban and restrictions on arrival (travel ban) tourists from / into English in order to anticipate the spread of cases Covid-19 caused a new type of the new corona virus. Starting from Canada, France, Russia, Argentina, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Denmark, Hong Kong, Iran, Morocco, Turkey, India, Australia to Indonesia prohibits the entry of British citizens.

              Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that the government prohibits foreigners from the UK from entering Indonesian territory either directly or in transit from other countries.

              However, for foreigners and Indonesian citizens from Europe and Australia as well as Indonesian citizens from the UK are given an exemption from being able to enter Indonesia on condition that they must show a negative test result using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in the country of origin which applies a maximum of 2 x 24 hours before departure time.

              After the PCR results are negative, foreigners and Indonesian citizens from Europe and Australia as well as Indonesian citizens from the UK must quarantine for a minimum of five days in a special quarantine accommodation provided by the government.

              Wiku said the government had provided 17 hotels with a capacity of 3,570 rooms as independent isolation places. After that, they are required to do the PCR test again. If the result is negative, then the non-British foreign traveler is allowed to continue his journey in Indonesia.

              Even though countries have been busy closing their borders from Britain, the mutation of the corona virus has been detected in a number of European countries.

              The European Center for Outbreak Prevention and Control (ECDC) stated that a new type of corona virus infection has been found in several countries on the Blue Continent such as Iceland, Denmark and the Netherlands.

              Meanwhile, several local media have also provided reports of cases of similar transmission having been detected in Belgium and Italy in recent days.

              Vigilance must still be maintained, in addition to complying with health protocols that have been recommended by the government, such as maintaining distance, wearing masks and washing hands. Because of this vigilance can protect us from the ferocity of the corona virus.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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