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Indonesia is Ready to Hold Covid-19 Vaccination


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

President Joko Widodo has confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccination program will be held this year. He said the government had secured a number of vaccine stocks to be given free of charge to the public later. The public is also convinced that Indonesia is ready to intervene in the Covid-19 vaccination.
3 million doses of sinovac vaccine have arrived in Indonesia, now just waiting for the emergency use permit from the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM).
Public health observer Iqbal Mochtar said the BPOM permit can boost the level of public confidence regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines.
Indonesia’s vaccination program targets at least 182 million people from the total population to achieve herd immunity or communal immunity.
President Joko Widodo has stated that vaccination will begin in mid-January and will remind you of the 3M health protocol that must be implemented as long as vaccination is running.
Through his tweet on the @jokowi twitter account, he said that this year the government will hold a mass Covid-19 vaccination. Indonesia has secured vaccine supplies from Sinovac, Novavax, AstraZeneca and BioNTech-Pfizer.
KSP Main Expert, Dany Amrul Ichdan said that the permission from BPOM and MUI is the benchmark currently awaited.
Meanwhile, according to Epidemiologists, Indonesia has not received an Emergency Use Authorization permit, so Indonesia is not ready for the Covid-19 vaccination and is expected to withdraw (not in mid-January). Even with the number of vaccines reaching 400 million doses, it cannot be injected just like that in a short time.
In a press statement at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that the distribution of the corona vaccine could be done in early 2021.
He said that the Indonesian government had signed a purchase agreement for the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Oxford-AstraZeneca. The dosage purchased is known to be as many as 50 million doses of the vaccine.
The corona vaccine developed by Oxford-AstraZeneca is expected to arrive in Indonesia around the second quarter of 2021.
Budi said that his party had secured 50 million doses of the Corona Novavax vaccine.
Meanwhile, health workers or health workers are the first to receive an SMS notification about the Corona vaccine starting December 31, 2020. The vaccination plan will be held after the corona vaccine obtains a distribution permit from BPOM.
On December 31, 2020, an SMS was sent in the form of education about the Covid-19 vaccine. In the next session at another time, the vaccine recipient will again receive an SMS about registration for vaccination.
In this second SMS blast, recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine filled out the required forms, including the place where they were vaccinated. Vaccination location adjusts for the domicile of the recipient.
The government has launched the first phase of the corona vaccine starting from January to April 2021. Budi targets the completion of the corona virus vaccination in Indonesia based on the number of vaccines, which will take 3.5 years.
The government has prepared 426 million doses of Corona vaccine for 181 million Indonesians. In accordance with WHO standards, each resident will be given two injections.
On a different occasion, the chairman of the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) Airlangga Hartarto emphasized that the corona virus pandemic has not ended even though Indonesia is immediately vaccinating. The government itself targets to start vaccinating next week.
However, people should not be careless when vaccinations are started. Discipline must still be carried out as directed.
Because the global pandemic has not ended, the vaccination process takes a long time. The Ministry of Health is targeting vaccination in Indonesia to be completed in 15 months.
He said that vaccination for 182 million people certainly requires time which has been conveyed by Pak Budi as the Minister of Health, and of course this vaccination is expected to increase public confidence, but we must not forget the discipline in complying with health protocols.
President Jokowi certainly hopes that vaccination activities and community discipline must go hand in hand.
Meanwhile, Spokesperson for the Covid-19 vaccine from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tramidzi, said that vaccinations are targeted to be completed in March 2022.
Indonesia is ready to hold Covid-19 vaccination, of course this effort is not a strategy that can be carried out without challenges, so that synergy is needed between the government and society to make the vaccination program a success so that the Covid-19 Pandemic can end soon.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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