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Papuan People Support Special Autonomy


By: Sabby Kosay) *
Special autonomy in Papua is strongly supported by the indigenous people of Bumi Cendrawasih. They feel the benefits of this program, because a lot of infrastructure has been built by the government. When the special autonomy was extended in 2021, there was no one against it. Because they are aware that this program is indeed useful for people in Papua.
Otsus is a program created by the central government in 2001. When there is special autonomy, the Papua Provincial Government is given a large amount of funds to develop its territory. In addition, the special autonomy system also gives authority in the form of officials in Bumi Cendrawasih to be native Papuans. So that they are given the opportunity to work in their own area.
A number of indigenous Papuans held a demonstration in the area of ​​the Arjuna wiwaha horse statue on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta. This peaceful action had stolen the attention of road users, because they were wearing traditional Papuan clothes, complete with headbands. These Papuans admitted that this action was carried out to support special autonomy in Bumi Cendrawasih.
Otsus will indeed be extended in 2021. This program is only valid for 20 years, but it can be extended again. Papuans welcomed the extension of the special autonomy, because they felt many benefits. Currently, a lot of infrastructure has been built, such as Trans Papua Road, Youtefa Bridge, etc. So as to facilitate the mobility of the community.
In addition, Otsus has provided scholarships to Papuan sons. So they can go to school, from kindergarten to high school, free of charge. Even if you are able, you can also apply for special autonomy scholarships for tertiary levels. Not only campuses in Java, Sumatra, or Kalimantan, but also universities abroad. So that Papuans are getting smarter.
Papuan community leader Yanto Eluay expressed his support for the extension of the special autonomy system. If there are those who reject the special autonomy system, it is only a small part and cannot be considered as the voice of Papuans. In that sense, those who reject it do not know what the benefits of this program are.

Yanto Eluay continued, special autonomy is a government program and there is already a working team. However, there needs to be further evaluation, so that the autonomy volume 2 runs even better. According to the son of the character Theys Hiyo Eluay, the community still wants special autonomy to continue, so that they are more prosperous.
Evaluation really needs to be done so that there are improvements in the future. For example, in the education sector, when there is special autonomy funds, there is no need to build another school if it is sufficient. However, it can be diverted for credit and quota costs for teachers, so that they can teach online smoothly during this pandemic. Online schools will run smoothly because they are supported by a quota of special autonomy funds.
In addition, special autonomy funds can also buy quality books for the school library, such as picture dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. So that students who read it will be smarter and more knowledgeable. They will become future leaders, because they have extensive knowledge, so they can solve problems wisely.
As for the health sector, the evaluation of otsus can be done by better equipping government hospitals with sophisticated medical equipment. So that patients will be saved, thanks to a ventilator and other adequate equipment. Do not only renovate the hospital building so that it looks luxurious, but also must be equipped with the latest equipment.
The people of Papua strongly support the extension of special autonomy because they feel the benefits. On Earth of Cendrawasih there are already various infrastructures that make life easier for its people. However, the evaluation of special autonomy still needs to be done, so that this program can run better in the future.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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