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Supporting the Role of Moderate Religious Figures Against Radicalism


By: Zainudin )*

Moderate religious figures are expected to broadcast peace-loving teachings and participate in countering radicalism. With the role of religious leaders, radicalism is expected to be maximally resisted.

Nowadays we can easily access lectures from religious leaders, either directly, via television, radio, or the internet. There are so many characters who make speeches on various themes, just choose the one that fits the circumstances of that day. However, don’t make the wrong choice because there are kiai tekek alias fakes who spread heretical teachings, because instead they teach about extremism and radicalism.

Moderate religious figures are encouraged to be more diligent in broadcasting syiar, so that people understand more about what religious moderation is. Their lectures are always awaited in order to show a religion that loves peace, instead of provoking it. The public also needs to be educated so that they don’t choose lectures randomly and end up trapped in radicalism and terrorism.

Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Saadi stated that the government can form preachers who convey religious symbols with moderate values ​​and can keep up with changing times. In a sense, moderate religious leaders need to be encouraged to be more diligent in lecturing and campaigning for religious moderation.

Religious moderation needs to be viral because it makes a person religious moderately or in the middle, not extreme right or left. If he is moderately religious, he will not be so fanatical that he disbelieves in other people, because he understands that this is actually forbidden by the prophet. Extremism cannot be justified because it is intolerant and tends to be violent.

The more figures who give lectures on religious moderation, the better, because we need peace-loving symbols. Not the one who waged war on the grounds of jihad and undermined Indonesian unity. The most important Jihad is to earn a living for the family and curb anger and lust, not boasting to attack other people on the basis of sentiment.

Learning in Islamic boarding schools should also be colored with religious moderation and not extremism. Islamic boarding schools are centers of religious knowledge and what is taught is religion by loving each other, not hating each other. Tolerance is key in a diverse country like Indonesia. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad himself exemplified tolerance and never insulted people of other faiths, and preached gently.

Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifuddin stated that there are 3 characteristics of a santri, namely: moderate, respecting diversity, and love for the homeland. The santri have religious understanding and practice that is not extreme or moderate. The reason is because the sciences studied in Islamic boarding schools such as Sufism, Jurisprudence, Kalam, etc. are not extreme.

Santri are obliged to respect diversity because religious teachings teach about differences. Respecting diversity does not mean ignoring beliefs. A santri is taught to build good relations with God and also with fellow human beings, not only with those of the same religion but also people with other beliefs.

Religious moderation should be taught continuously in pesantren because the santri are future ustad, kiai, and leaders. They will continue to preach about virtue and religion with moderation and gentleness. Da’wah should not be carried out to the extreme because it will hurt other people.

Teaching on religious moderation should be carried out in all places, from Islamic boarding schools to schools. Students and santri will realize that religious moderation is the most appropriate, so that they can broadcast and love peace at the same time.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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