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The Government Improves the Quality of Human Rights Enforcement


By : Syarifudin

The government is trying hard to uphold human rights (HAM) as high as possible, because it is a basic right of every human being. The quality of human rights enforcement continues to be improved, so that all Indonesian citizens feel it, from the lowest to the highest levels of society.

It will not be useless to report cases of human rights violations. This refutes the notion that reporting cases, especially human rights violations to the authorities, will be useless. The reason is because there is a proverb that the law is blunt up and pointed down, aka the winner is the one who has the money. This is not true, because justice cannot be bought.

The Head of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Moeldoko stated that the state is present in protecting human rights, constitutional rights, and the right to security of citizens. So, as Indonesian citizens, we don’t have to be afraid because human rights are guaranteed by the government and the law is enforced in the fairest way possible. It is a big mistake if human rights are underestimated by the government.

Moeldoko continued, there are 3 government commitments in advancing human rights in Indonesia. First, the human rights vision is comprehensive, complete, inclusive, and covers the realm of civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights, with the spirit of no one left behind. In a sense, every Indonesian citizen has the right to human rights, regardless of whether he is from the upper or lower classes, because this right is comprehensive in nature.

The government’s second commitment is that the vision of the fulfillment of human rights as a whole is an integral part and the vision of achieving a strong and advanced Indonesia that includes aspects of human resilience and the physical environment that supports it. This is in accordance with President Jokowi’s vision and commitment in the field of human rights that has never diminished.

President Jokowi since his first term of leadership (2014) has always been committed to human rights. He believes that every Indonesian citizen must fulfill their human rights and apply the principles of justice. When the government upholds human rights, it applies Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Meanwhile, the government’s third commitment in the field of human rights is the presence of the state in guaranteeing citizens, including a sense of security and protection of civil rights which include the right to freedom of expression which is carried out in a peaceful and responsible manner. As well as political rights guaranteed by the government.

In a sense, the government really guarantees the right of every Indonesian citizen to participate in politics, because it is a human right. For example, to become a legislative candidate, a village head candidate, to become a party administrator, etc. Indonesian citizens are not prohibited from doing politics because Indonesia is a democratic country, not a country that has the principle of an iron curtain with tyrants and a frightening regime.

Moeldoko’s statement is reminiscent of President Jokowi’s speech which stated that all government policies must be environmentally friendly and protect human rights. So that speed and accuracy cannot be exchanged for carelessness and arbitrariness. This shows that the government is not careless in issuing government regulations, presidential government, and laws, because they can injure the people.

In a sense, government policies support human rights and do not hurt the community, because the government is very pro-people. As Indonesian citizens, we should be calm because the government upholds human rights and improves the quality of human rights enforcement. The government will not have the heart to revoke people’s human rights for violating the law.

The government upholds human rights because it is a basic right of every Indonesian citizen. So we don’t have to worry when there is a human rights case, just report it to Komnas HAM and other relevant institutions.

The government continues to improve the quality of human rights enforcement. We should not be afraid to speak up because this is a democratic country, not a socialist country. The human rights of every Indonesian citizen are guaranteed by the government.

The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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