Supporting the Sustainability of the Deradicalization Program
By: Aris Munandar)*
Deradicalization is an effort to reduce and eliminate someone’s radical understanding. The community also supports the sustainability of the deradicalization program so that the anti-Pancasila ideology does not spread widely in the community.
The threat of terrorism also needs to be prevented by one of the programs, namely deradicalization. Director of Deradicalization of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Prof. Irfan Idris explained that the deradicalization program mandated by Law Number 5 of 2018 has various stages. As in prisons, identification, rehabilitation, re-education and re-integration are carried out first. Meanwhile, for prevention efforts outside prisons, identification, religious development, national insight and entrepreneurship are carried out.
In the UK, the deradicalization program is still being promoted. The country has established the Council of Muslim Scholars (DCM), an organization that prioritizes its movement to introduce true Islam to the non-Muslim community in Britain. The main task of the DCM is to think of steps to deradicalize British Muslim citizens.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian government has agreed to integrate with each other in the fight against radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia. For this reason, deradicalization efforts must be carried out comprehensively, from upstream to downstream.
Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said the government would also focus on tackling education, as well as handling within the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). For this reason, a mechanism will be developed for selecting prospective ASN and BUMN employees, as well as officials who will occupy structural officials at the center and regions. This is to ensure that prospective ASN and BUMN employees are not exposed to radical ideas.
Several steps will be taken by the government to prevent exposure to radicalism in Indonesia, among others; by reviving flag ceremonies in schools and institutions, installing Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or surveillance cameras in all places of worship, certified preachers and selection tests for CPNS and BUMN employees which can indicate someone is exposed to radicalism and terrorism.
A lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Edi Santoso, said that deradicalization needs to be carried out comprehensively with a local and contextual approach.
His party said that deradicalization efforts could be carried out by involving community leaders in a persuasive way and prioritizing a cultural approach.
Don’t let deradicalization be done by shouting. Because what should be done is to explore the problem, identify the root, then find the right solution through deliberation.
Edi added that radical attitudes could be born from very complex reasons. Radicalism is an attitude, a radical perspective, which is oriented towards fundamental changes, for example intending to change the system that is already running.
When radicals attack targets they perceive as enemies, it will cause damage to the earth. Damage does not only occur in physical things such as buildings or buildings, but also moral damage to youth.
Radicals will always support people who carry out acts of terror. With the bombs they detonate, the building will collapse and will cause losses to many parties.
In addition, those who have been exposed to radicalism will usually teach someone to be intolerant of other people from different groups. In fact, they will hate people who are not of the same religion or line with him. The existence of this movement will certainly destroy the national sense of the nation.
The radicalization that has occurred in Indonesia has provided various evidences of destruction and destruction as well as hostility. If we interpret it, radicalization is the transfer of a way of thinking to be tolerant of violence with a specific purpose.
We need to look at Yemen, which is considered a pioneer in the deradicalization program. The country started its deradicalization program in 2002 by establishing a Committee for Dialogue. The program prioritizes intellectual dialogue and debate with the aim of convincing violent activists or those involved in terrorism that their understanding is incorrect.
Deradicalization carried out by the government of course must be able to provide a space for dialogue that can provide an understanding that there is no heaven obtained by spreading acts of terror such as detonating bombs in places of worship.
Deradicalization must still be carried out, radicals are now increasingly aware of the gaps where they can enter an institution and then spread radical ideas quietly.
)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students