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Adding Types of Vaccines Accelerates Vaccination Rates


By: Abdul Hakim)*

The Sinopharm vaccine has already been licensed for use in the third injection vaccine. This addition is expected to accelerate the rate of vaccination so that group immunity is formed.

Vaccination is an obligation that must be carried out by every Indonesian citizen over the age of 6 years. All of them are injected with vaccines to get high immunity, so they are not easily infected with the corona virus, of course they must also be disciplined in health protocols. The vaccine is given 3 times because it is to increase the human body’s immunity, because the Covid-19 virus also mutates so that it is more virulent.

There are several types of vaccines circulating in Indonesia, namely Sinovac, Moderna, Astra Zaneca, Pfizer vaccines, etc. They all function the same to increase the body’s immunity, so we are expected not to be picky.

The spokesman for the Covid-19 Task Force Team, Professor Wikuadisasmito, stated that a new type of vaccine was added to the national vaccination program, namely Sinopharm. The permit has been issued by BPOM, so it is officially allowed to be used. However, specifically for Sinopharm, permission is given for a booster vaccine, aka a third injection.

This addition is intended to accelerate the rate of vaccination and the formation of herd immunity. According to data from the Covid-19 task force team, currently only 50% of the population has received 2 vaccines, while the booster vaccine has not yet reached this figure. The reason is because the new booster program started in early January 2022.

If there is a new type of vaccine, it is hoped that the booster vaccine program will be completed more quickly so that the government’s target of 100% vaccination in 2002 can be met. Indeed, since the start of this program, President Jokowi has set a maximum target of 18 months after vaccination, starting after the first injection (March 2021). So the calculation is that in September 2022 all Indonesian citizens have been fully vaccinated.

When all Indonesian citizens have been vaccinated, or the vaccination coverage is at least 75%, a herd immunity will be formed. This situation is being pursued by the government because group immunity will protect personal immunity, so that everyone is not easily infected with the corona virus. When there is herd immunity, the pandemic condition can be ended and turned into an endemic, so the situation will be safer.

When the pandemic ends, what is expected is a recovery in the economy and we can overcome the country’s financial condition which was a bit shaky. Indeed, the crisis is happening globally because of the corona, but we must be optimistic that we can rise again and become the Asian tiger.

So far, there are 3 vaccines used for booster vaccination, namely Astra Zaneca, Pfizer, and Sinovac. If there is a Sinopharm vaccine, it will be even better, because the stock of booster vaccines will increase. So we don’t have to be afraid of running out of supplies when a booster vaccination is held.

The Sinopharm vaccine is also efficacious for fighting the Covid-19 virus like other vaccines, so people don’t have to be afraid of its greatness. Its efficacy or protective effect against Corona reached 79.34%. If it is injected as a booster, it will further enhance the efficacy of vaccination and strengthen the human body’s immunity.

Therefore, do not hesitate to inject a booster vaccine because it can increase your immune system so you are not easily exposed to the corona virus. Especially in the midst of the onslaught of Omicron, the booster is very good so as not to get infected with the mutated virus. The booster vaccine is given 6 months after the second vaccine injection.

The addition of this type of vaccine to the booster vaccination, aka the third injection, is expected to increase group immunity and accelerate the vaccination rate. So that the government’s target that all Indonesian citizens have been vaccinated by the end of 2022 will soon be realized. Herd immunity will be formed and the pandemic period can be ended.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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